On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Emmanuel Seyman
<emmanuel@seyman.fr> wrote:
* Ismael Olea [07/11/2012 13:35] :
> Do you have any tip to keep just certain packages not removed when
> updating? using yum -x or /etc/yum/protect.d/* seems no to work for this.
This should work. Is yum-plugin-protect-packages enabled?
I'm testing now with:
$ grep protected_packages /etc/yum.conf
$ cat /etc/yum/protected.d/drivers-nvdia.conf
but the current update doesn't broke the nvidia drivers so I'm not sure it's fine or not.
reviewing the problem I see the problem is to keep synchronized the set
kernel-vK kmod-nvidia-vK-vN xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-vN
where vK is kernel version and vN nvidia drivers version and to respect the releases being running; while yum (documentation says) is able to check and not remove the current kernel, is it able to do the same with xorg-x11-drv-nvidia?
I bet I'm not the one with this scenario :-m
Ismael Olea