Hi list
I would use the Easter days to upgrade my Fedora 22 system til Fedora 23, but, as you can see, i ran into some problems.
Command used to upgrade: dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=23
package clamav-scanner-sysvinit-0.99-2.fc22.noarch requires clamav-scanner = 0.99-2.fc22, but none of the providers can be installed.
package clamav-server-sysvinit-0.99-2.fc22.noarch requires clamav-server = 0.99-2.fc22, but none of the providers can be installed.
package perl-MythTV-0.27.6-2.fc22.noarch requires perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.20.3), but none of the providers can be installed.
package perl-XMLTV-0.5.67-2.fc22.noarch requires perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.20.3), but none of the providers can be installed.
package mythtv-0.27.6-2.fc22.x86_64 requires perl-MythTV = 0.27.6-2.fc22, but none of the providers can be installed.
package mythtv-backend-0.27.6-2.fc22.x86_64 requires perl(MythTV), but none of the providers can be installed.
package xmltv-0.5.67-2.fc22.noarch requires perl(XMLTV::Date), but none of the providers can be installed.
package xmltv-grabbers-0.5.67-2.fc22.noarch requires perl(XMLTV::Date), but none of the providers can be installed.
package mythtv-setup-0.27.6-2.fc22.x86_64 requires mythtv-backend = 0.27.6-2.fc22, but none of the providers can be installed
(try to add '--allowerasing' to command line to replace conflicting packages)
And it is not an option to use '--allowerasing' or to set packages to user installed
med venlig hilsen
Peter Meyland
Søndermarksvej 15, 1.th.
4200 Slagelse
Tlf.: +45 2122 3345