My Fedora 24 / KDE box with the nVidia drivers was working beautifully
until libglvnd got updated on Saturday. After that, the screen would
turn black when booting switched to graphical mode.
I tried reinstalling the nVidia drivers but that did not help.
I switched the display manager to lightDM and it's now possible to see
the login screen, but logging in still gives a blank screen.
Today saw a big update which brought in new xorg-x11-drv-nvidia*, new
libglvnd*, and a ton of kf5* packages. I was very optimistic that this
would bring the computer back into proper functionality.
Sadly it did not.
I have run but I can find nothing significant in
the report log.
At this point, I'd be grateful for any clues to help diagnose why it's
failing - and delighted, of course, with a solution!
Many thanks,
Chris R.