On Qua, 2013-03-27 at 21:42 +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 27.03.2013 21:31, schrieb Sérgio Basto:
> On Qua, 2013-03-27 at 12:34 -0700, Alice Wonder wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> Many moons ago I use to use ffmpeg linked against libfaad to create .mp4
>> files using h.264 and aac.
>> It has been years, but now I need to do it again. It seems though that
>> the ffmpeg in rpmfusion is not linked against libfaad nor is libfaad
>> even in the repos.
> repoquery -q \*faad\* --nvr
> faad2-2.7-2.fc17
> faad2-devel-2.7-2.fc17
> faad2-devel-2.7-2.fc17
> faad2-libs-2.7-2.fc17
> faad2-libs-2.7-2.fc17
> xmms-faad2-2.7-2.fc17
> xmms2-faad-0.8-6.fc18
yes you need them to build a working ffmpeg
but the rpmfusion build of ffmpeg is crap
libfaad exist just called libfaad2
your spec doesn't have none faad ,
have faac
faad2 is an AAC decoder
FAAC is an AAC audio encoder
i switched months ago to my own static x264/ffmpeg build
which is completly independent to avoid package conflicts
while have the latest versions useable
what is the diff in ffmpeg.spec ? just enable-static ? or enable
something else ?
Sérgio M. B.