Am 27.03.2013 22:36, schrieb Sérgio Basto:
> the rpmfusion crap does not support H264/AAC for HTML5
what is need ?
AAC for H264?
yeah you use x264 git master unstable, rpmfusion
use x264 stable-branch one month outdated.
maybe things are now a little better
not so long ago the rpmfusion packages where a bunch of sonames behind
but however, i do not follow rpmfusion since at least 3 years
in context of ffmpeg because i am not in the position to risk
having vulnerable builds on a server for months as happened
often enough by ignoring secuity updates from upstream
ffmpeg-1.0.5-1.fc18.x86_64 is very outdated ?
the current version is 1.2
1.0 is a very old codebase
You could help us, we still have some dependencies that doesn't
against ffmpeg-1.1.4-1.fc19 and in rawhide we are preparing ffmpeg-1.2
so build a compat-package as done with the ffpeg-compat-0.6 in F18