On 06/07/15 14:07, Richard Shaw wrote:
On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 8:00 AM, Dave Pawson
<mailto:dave.pawson@gmail.com>> wrote:
Success.. with a tiny proviso.
I tried it running Gnome in a command line. No error message shown,
just nothing
happened. (I should have known / guessed)
Rebooted, failed, ^-ALT-F3 to get a CLI. Log in as root
Ran the command /usr/sbin/akmods --force
and akmods built.
# reboot
and I'm in business again.
There is a reason that they failed to rebuild right after kernel update
but it's likely to be the same problem others have experienced, dnf not
releasing it's lock on the rpm database soon enough.
They are not enabled by default (there's a special list of services
allowed to be enabled by default, and akmods isn't on it) but there are
two systemd services you can enable that help in this specific situation.
You can try as root (or sudo):
$ systemctl enable akmods.service
$ systemctl enable akmods-shutdown.service
The first attempts another rebuild during the boot cycle and the other
on shutdown. Of course if there's a different problem, for instance
something changed in the kernel that the binary drivers haven't
accounted for, then obviously it won't help there.
Excuse me if this was documented elsewhere in this thread, but I didn't
see it explicitly.
I'm seeing the no installed kmod issue after a kernel upgrade and reboot
too. I have those akmods services enabled but they detect that the build
during the nightly update failed (due to the transaction lock issue) and
don't bother to try again. (in my case I use yum-deprecated for the
nightly updates).
2015/07/16 10:43:04 akmods: Checking kmods exist for 4.0.7-300.fc22.x86_64
2015/07/16 10:43:08 akmods: Ignoring nvidia-340xx-kmod as it failed earlier
2015/07/16 10:43:08 akmods: Hint: Some kmods were ignored or failed to
build or install.
2015/07/16 10:43:08 akmods: You can try to rebuild and install them by
by calling
2015/07/16 10:43:08 akmods: '/usr/sbin/akmods --force' as root.
I didn't see a fix for this in your note about the new akmods package
you have in testing or in other recent threads, but I might have
overlooked something.
A dirty workaround for me would be to make the akmods.service file run
/usr/sbin/akmods --force as the ExecStart line, but I have seen reports
on google that you can't easily pass parameters to the ExecStart command
like that.
Can you advise please on the best (automatic) work around.