Hi: Maybe this is a temporary sync problem, but at present it seems
persistent. Using mock in and for Fedora 33.
warning: Found bdb Packages database while attempting sqlite backend:
using bdb backend.
42 kB/s | 27 kB 00:00
83 kB/s | 25 kB 00:00
RPM Fusion for Fedora 33 - Free
25 kB/s | 8.0 kB 00:00
RPM Fusion for Fedora 33 - Free - Updates
23 kB/s | 7.1 kB 00:00
RPM Fusion for Fedora 33 - Free - Updates
233 B/s | 3.7 kB 00:16
Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'rpmfusion-free-updates':
- Downloading successful, but checksum doesn't match. Calculated:
Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'rpmfusion-free-updates':
Cannot download repomd.xml: Cannot doad repodata/repomd.xml: All mirrors
were tried
John P