2013/1/8 Jon Danniken <danniken@q.com>
Hello all,

I am wondering if anyone knows if/when the nVidia 310.19 driver will be
added to the RPMFusion repository for Fedora 17.  I have read that it is
possible to install this driver and akmod/kmod manually, but to be
honest, I'm not at the stage in my Linux development to be comfortable
in doing that yet.

So, my hope is that it will be added to the RPMFusion repository, but
I'm wondering when.  Any ideas?  Will it even *be* offered through
The problem is that this driver drop support for cards from the geforce6/7 series.
So we need to create a separate branch of driver as 304xx and to replace the main serie with that for compatibility.
Then we will introduce latest stable driver with a new nvidia-latest serie. That way geforce6/7 users will not update to a driver that doesn't support their hardware.

We will also rework the driver a little, so that's the remaining part of the problem, then there will be a package review.

Nicolas (kwizart)