On 26/05/17 17:34, John Pilkington wrote:
On 28/03/17 16:56, John Pilkington wrote:
> I reported earlier that vlc-3.0.0-0.16 gave immediate segfaults in
> fedora 24. It does the same for me in fedora 25 with SD and HD TV
> recordings and DVD .iso images. Before the segfault it reports
> 'libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate', but that may not be
> the actual cause. Still using the nVidia 304 driver.
> vlc-3.0.0-0.9.fc25.x86_64 works for me, as does smplayer-17.3.0-1
Yesterday, after a vlc upgrade in SL7, I absent-mindedly re-upgraded it
in FC25. Same immediate segfault. I couldn't locate any EGL-files,
and 3.0.0-0.9 wasn't showing up, so I removed all *nvidia packages
(304.135) using yumex-dnf and to my great surprise nouveau just took
over. It was already installed, but presumably blacklisted. I suppose
that could have been the problem.
vlc doesn't segfault with nouveau and appears to work ok. It gives the
same libEGL warning, and adds others re vdpau, but seems usable.
Having found that switching between *nvidia-304 and *nouveau could seem
painless I tried re-enabling *nvidia-304 and installed vlc-3.0.0-0.25
from testing. My kde-plasma desktop was active but had no panels or
task-launcher, and I wasn't able make either of them visible.
Eventually I reverted again to nouveau, undid a few settings that had
got changed, and once more have a working desktop. The new vlc seems
ok, too.
The video card (old) is a GeForce 7500 LE (G72)
> John P