
As far I understand, it's not a video problem, if I choose only audio, gui freezes anyway...

Thanks, I don't understand how does encodingprofiles.rc work exactly...

2014-04-12 8:26 GMT-03:00 John Pilkington <>:
On 11/04/14 22:21, John Pilkington wrote:
On 11/04/14 22:11, John Pilkington wrote:
On 11/04/14 12:45, Sergio Belkin wrote:
2014-04-08 20:30 GMT-03:00 Sérgio Basto <

    On Seg, 2014-03-31 at 13:57 -0300, Sergio Belkin wrote:
     > Hi folks,
     > I am using 0.9.6 on Fedora 20 with ffmpeg-2.1.4-1.
     > Gui crashes when using ffmpeg
     > The settings of ffmpeg (Normal MPEG) are:
     >     |f=mpeg acodec=mp2 ab=128k ar=48000 vcodec=mpeg2video
     >     vb=4000k|

Sorry: cut/paste error. Intended reference was to stackoverflow, as below.

That looks to me like an old command format.  See eg

which quotes

ffmpeg -i input -codec:v mpeg2video -qscale:v 2 -codec:a mp2 -b:a 192k

... but I'm on F19 and don't have your version of ffmpeg.

It looks as if updating might be needed here.  I don't know whether the GUI would do it.



John P

Sergio Belkin
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