On 12/19/2013 09:58 PM, Göran Uddeborg wrote:
When I try to use "yumdownloader" to get a source package,
it replies
with an error message:
mimmi$ yumdownloader --source x264.x86_64
Enabling updates-source repository
Enabling rpmfusion-nonfree-source repository
Enabling rpmfusion-free-updates-source repository
Enabling fedora-source repository
Enabling rpmfusion-free-source repository
Enabling rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-source repository
Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: rpmfusion-free-updates-source/20/x86_64
Am I doing something wrong? Or is it something on the repository side
that isn't ready yet?
afaiu, the -updates repository are not ready yet. You need to add
--disablerepo=rpmfusion-*free-updates* to your command line for now.