commit b6d12819514ab1c38ef635c4d0479aea46fcec11
Author: Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart(a)>
Date: Thu Nov 3 17:09:05 2016 +0100
Add for fas hostfix
files/hotfix/fas/ | 1733 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 1733 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/files/hotfix/fas/ b/files/hotfix/fas/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d616911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/hotfix/fas/
@@ -0,0 +1,1733 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+''' Provides user IO to FAS '''
+# Copyright © 2008 Ricky Zhou
+# Copyright © 2008-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Copyright © 2012 Patrick Uiterwijk
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
+# copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
+# General Public License v.2. This program is distributed in the hope that it
+# will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the
+# See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have
+# received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
+# if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
+# Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are
+# incorporated in the source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU
+# General Public License and may only be used or replicated with the express
+# permission of Red Hat, Inc.
+# Author(s): Ricky Zhou <ricky(a)>
+# Mike McGrath <mmcgrath(a)>
+# Toshio Kuratomi <toshio(a)>
+# Patrick Uiterwijk <puiterwijk(a)>
+# @error_handler() takes a reference to the error() method defined in the
+# class (E0602)
+ from bunch import Bunch
+except ImportError:
+ from fedora.client import DictContainer as Bunch
+import turbogears
+from turbogears import controllers, expose, identity, \
+ validate, validators, error_handler, config, redirect
+from turbogears.database import session
+import cherrypy
+import time
+from tgcaptcha2 import CaptchaField
+from tgcaptcha2.validator import CaptchaFieldValidator
+from fas.util import send_mail
+from fas.lib import submit_to_spamcheck
+from fas.lib.gpg import encrypt_text
+import os
+import re
+import gpgme
+import StringIO
+import crypt
+import requests
+from requests_kerberos import HTTPKerberosAuth
+import string
+import subprocess
+from OpenSSL import crypto
+if config.get('use_openssl_rand_bytes', False):
+ from OpenSSL.rand import bytes as rand_bytes
+ from os import urandom as rand_bytes
+import pytz
+from datetime import datetime
+import time
+from sqlalchemy import func
+from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError, InvalidRequestError
+from sqlalchemy.sql import select
+import logging
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from import request_format
+import fas.fedmsgshim
+import fas
+from fas.model import PeopleTable, PersonRolesTable, GroupsTable
+from fas.model import People, PersonRoles, Groups, Log, CaptchaNonce
+from fas.model import disabled_statuses
+from fas import openssl_fas
+from fas.auth import (
+ is_admin,
+ cla_done,
+ undeprecated_cla_done,
+ can_edit_user,
+ is_modo
+from fas.util import available_languages
+from fas.validators import KnownUser, PasswordStrength, ValidGPGKeyID, \
+ ValidSSHKey, NonFedoraEmail, ValidLanguage, UnknownUser, ValidUsername, \
+ ValidHumanWithOverride, MaybeFloat, EVEmail, NonBlockedEmail, UnknownGroup
+from fas import _
+#ADMIN_GROUP = config.get('admingroup', 'accounts')
+#system_group = config.get('systemgroup', 'fas-system')
+#thirdparty_group = config.get('thirdpartygroup', 'thirdparty')
+CAPTCHA = CaptchaField(name='captcha', label=_('Solve the math
+class UserCreate(validators.Schema):
+ ''' Validate information for a new user '''
+ username = validators.All(
+ UnknownUser,
+ UnknownGroup,
+ ValidUsername(not_empty=True),
+ validators.UnicodeString(max=32, min=3),
+ )
+ human_name = validators.All(
+ validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True),
+ )
+ human_name_override = validators.All(
+ )
+ email = validators.All(
+ validators.Email(not_empty=True, strip=True),
+ NonFedoraEmail(not_empty=True, strip=True),
+ EVEmail(not_empty=True, strip=True),
+ NonBlockedEmail(not_empty=True, strip=True),
+ )
+ verify_email = validators.All(
+ validators.Email(not_empty=True, strip=True),
+ NonFedoraEmail(not_empty=True, strip=True),
+ EVEmail(not_empty=True, strip=True),
+ )
+ security_question = validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)
+ security_answer = validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)
+ #fedoraPersonBugzillaMail = validators.Email(strip=True)
+ postal_address = validators.UnicodeString(max=512)
+ # Pass the captchanonce use_nonce function to register uses of captchas
+ captcha = CaptchaFieldValidator(CaptchaNonce.use_nonce)
+ chained_validators = [ validators.FieldsMatch('email',
+ ValidHumanWithOverride('human_name',
'human_name_override') ]
+class UserSetSecurityQuestion(validators.Schema):
+ ''' Validate new security question and answer '''
+ currentpassword = validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)
+ newquestion = validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)
+ newanswer = validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)
+class UserSetPassword(validators.Schema):
+ ''' Validate new and old passwords '''
+ currentpassword = validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)
+ password = PasswordStrength(not_empty=True)
+ passwordcheck = validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)
+ chained_validators = [validators.FieldsMatch('password',
+class UserResetPassword(validators.Schema):
+ password = PasswordStrength(not_empty=True)
+ passwordcheck = validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)
+ chained_validators = [validators.FieldsMatch('password',
+class UserSave(validators.Schema):
+ targetname = KnownUser
+ human_name = validators.All(
+ validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True, max=42),
+ validators.Regex(regex='^[^\n:<>]+$'),
+ )
+ ircnick = validators.UnicodeString(max=42)
+ status = validators.OneOf([
+ 'active', 'inactive'] + disabled_statuses)
+ ssh_key = ValidSSHKey(max=5000)
+ gpg_keyid = ValidGPGKeyID
+ telephone = validators.UnicodeString # TODO - could use better validation
+ email = validators.All(
+ validators.Email(not_empty=True, strip=True, max=128),
+ NonFedoraEmail(not_empty=True, strip=True, max=128),
+ EVEmail(not_empty=True, strip=True, max=128),
+ )
+ locale = ValidLanguage(not_empty=True, strip=True)
+ #fedoraPersonBugzillaMail = validators.Email(strip=True, max=128)
+ #fedoraPersonKeyId- Save this one for later :)
+ postal_address = validators.UnicodeString(max=512)
+ timezone = validators.UnicodeString # TODO - could use better validation
+ country_code = validators.UnicodeString(max=2, strip=True)
+ privacy = validators.Bool
+ latitude = MaybeFloat
+ longitude = MaybeFloat
+ comments = validators.UnicodeString # TODO - could use better validation
+def generate_password(password=None, length=16):
+ ''' Generate Password
+ :arg password: Plain text password to be crypted. Random one generated
+ if None.
+ :arg length: Length of password to generate.
+ returns: crypt.crypt utf-8 password
+ '''
+ secret = {} # contains both hash and password
+ # From crypt(3) manpage.
+ salt_charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + './'
+ salt = random_string(salt_charset, 16)
+ hash_id = '6' # SHA-512
+ salt_str = '$' + hash_id + '$' + salt
+ if password is None:
+ password_charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
+ password = random_string(password_charset, length)
+ secret['hash'] = crypt.crypt(password.encode('utf-8'), salt_str)
+ secret['pass'] = password
+ return secret
+def random_string(charset, length):
+ '''Generates a random string for password and salts.
+ This use a pseudo-random number generator suitable for cryptographic
+ use, such as /dev/urandom or (better) OpenSSL's RAND_bytes.
+ :arg length: Length of salt to be generated
+ :returns: String of salt
+ '''
+ s = ''
+ while length > 0:
+ r = rand_bytes(length)
+ for c in r:
+ # Discard all bytes that aren't in the charset. This is the
+ # simplest way to ensure that the function is not biased.
+ if c in charset:
+ s += c
+ length -= 1
+ return s
+class User(controllers.Controller):
+ ''' Our base User controller for user based operations '''
+ # Regex to tell if something looks like a crypted password
+ crypted_password_re = re.compile('^\$[0-9]\$.*\$.*')
+ def __init__(self):
+ '''Create a User Controller.
+ '''
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ def index(self):
+ '''Redirect to view
+ '''
+ redirect('/user/view/%s' % identity.current.user_name)
+ def json_request(self):
+ ''' Determines if the request is for json or not_
+ :returns: true if the request is json, else false
+ '''
+ return 'tg_format' in cherrypy.request.params and \
+ cherrypy.request.params['tg_format'] == 'json'
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.error")
+ def error(self, tg_errors=None):
+ '''Show a friendly error message'''
+ if not tg_errors:
+ turbogears.redirect('/')
+ return dict(tg_errors=tg_errors)
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @validate(validators= {'username': KnownUser })
+ @error_handler(error) # pylint: disable-msg=E0602
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.view", allow_json=True)
+ def view(self, username=None):
+ '''View a User.
+ '''
+ show = {}
+ show['show_postal_address'] = config.get('show_postal_address')
+ if not username:
+ username = identity.current.user_name
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ if identity.current.user_name == username:
+ personal = True
+ else:
+ personal = False
+ admin = is_admin(identity.current)
+ (cla, undeprecated_cla) = undeprecated_cla_done(person)
+ (modo, can_update) = is_modo(identity.current)
+ person_data = person.filter_private()
+ person_data['approved_memberships'] = list(person.approved_memberships)
+ person_data['unapproved_memberships'] =
+ person_data['roles'] = person.roles
+ roles = person.roles
+ roles.json_props = {
+ 'PersonRole': ('group',),
+ 'Groups': ('unapproved_roles',),
+ }
+ return dict(person=person_data, cla=cla, undeprecated=undeprecated_cla,
+ admin=admin, modo=modo, can_update=can_update, show=show)
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @validate(validators={ 'targetname' : KnownUser })
+ @error_handler(error) # pylint: disable-msg=E0602
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.edit")
+ def edit(self, targetname=None):
+ '''Edit a user
+ '''
+ show = {}
+ show['show_postal_address'] = config.get('show_postal_address')
+ languages = available_languages()
+ username = identity.current.user_name
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ admin = is_admin(identity.current)
+ if targetname:
+ target = People.by_username(targetname)
+ else:
+ target = People.by_username(identity.current.user_name)
+ if not can_edit_user(person, target):
+ turbogears.flash(_('You cannot edit %s') % target.username)
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % target.username)
+ return dict()
+ target = target.filter_private()
+ return dict(target=target, languages=languages, admin=admin, show=show)
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @validate(validators=UserSave())
+ @error_handler(error) # pylint: disable-msg=E0602
+ @expose(template='fas.templates.user.edit')
+ def save(self, targetname, human_name, telephone, email, status,
+ postal_address=None, ssh_key=None, ircnick=None, gpg_keyid=None,
+ comments='', locale='en', timezone='UTC',
+ latitude=None, longitude=None, privacy=False):
+ ''' Saves user information to database
+ :arg targetname: Target user to alter
+ :arg human_name: Human name of target user
+ :arg telephone: Telephone number of target user
+ :arg email: Email address of target user
+ :arg status: Status of target user
+ :arg postal_address: Mailing address of target user
+ :arg ssh_key: ssh key of target user
+ :arg ircnick: IRC nick of the target user
+ :arg gpg_keyid: gpg key id of target user
+ :arg comments: Misc comments about target user
+ :arg locale: Locale of the target user for language purposes
+ :arg timezone: Timezone of target user
+ :arg country_code: Country Code of target user
+ :arg latitude: Latitude of target user
+ :arg privacy: Determine if the user info should be private for user
+ :returns: empty dict
+ '''
+ # person making changes
+ username = identity.current.user_name
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ # Account being changed
+ target = People.by_username(targetname)
+ # Make sure email is lowercase
+ email = email.lower()
+ emailflash = ''
+ changed = [] # record field names that changed for fedmsg
+ if not can_edit_user(person, target):
+ turbogears.flash(_("You do not have permission to edit
'%s'") % \
+ target.username)
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % target.username)
+ return dict()
+ try:
+ if target.status != status:
+ if (status in disabled_statuses or target.status \
+ in disabled_statuses) and \
+ not is_admin(person):
+ turbogears.flash(_(
+ 'Only admin can enable or disable an account.'))
+ return dict()
+ else:
+ # TODO: revoke cert
+ target.old_password = target.password
+ target.password = '*'
+ for group in target.unapproved_memberships:
+ try:
+ target.remove(group, person)
+ except fas.RemoveError:
+ pass
+ Log(, description=
+ '%(person)s\'s status changed from %(old)s to %(new)s' %
+ {'person': target.username,
+ 'old': target.status,
+ 'new': status})
+ target.status = status
+ target.status_change =
+ changed.append('status')
+ if != email:
+ test = select([PeopleTable.c.username],
+ func.lower( \
+ == email.lower()).execute().fetchall()
+ if test:
+ turbogears.flash(_(
+ 'Somebody is already using that email address.'
+ ))
+ turbogears.redirect("/user/edit/%s" % target.username)
+ return dict()
+ if is_admin(person) and person.username != target.username:
+ emailflash = _('Since you are an administrator ' + \
+ 'modifying another account, there will be no ' + \
+ 'validation of the email address')
+ = email
+ changed.append('email')
+ else:
+ emailflash = _('Before your new email takes effect, you ' +
+ 'must confirm it. You should receive an email with ' +
+ 'instructions shortly.')
+ token_charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
+ token = random_string(token_charset, 32)
+ target.unverified_email = email
+ target.emailtoken = token
+ change_subject = _('Email Change Requested for %s') % \
+ person.username
+ change_text = _('''
+ You have recently requested to change your RPM Fusion Account System email
+ to this address. To complete the email change, you must confirm your
+ ownership of this email by visiting the following URL (you will need to
+ login with your RPM Fusion account first):
+ %(verifyurl)s/accounts/user/verifyemail/%(token)s
+ ''') % { 'verifyurl' :
config.get('base_url_filter.base_url').rstrip('/'), 'token' :
+ send_mail(email, change_subject, change_text)
+ # Note: email is purposefully not added to the changed[] list
+ # here because we don't change it until the new email is
+ # verified (in a separate method)
+ # note, ssh_key is often None or empty string at this point
+ # (file upload). Testing ssh_key first prevents removing the
+ # ssh_key in this case. The clearkey() method is used for removing
+ # an ssh_key.
+ if ssh_key and target.ssh_key != ssh_key:
+ target.ssh_key = ssh_key
+ changed.append('ssh_key')
+ # Other fields don't need any special handling
+ fields = ('human_name', 'telephone',
'postal_address', 'ircnick',
+ 'gpg_keyid', 'comments', 'locale',
+ 'country_code', 'privacy', 'latitude',
+ for field in fields:
+ old = getattr(target, field)
+ new = locals()[field]
+ if (old or new) and old != new:
+ setattr(target, field, new)
+ changed.append(field)
+ except TypeError, error:
+ turbogears.flash(_('Your account details could not be saved: %s')
+ % error)
+ turbogears.redirect("/user/edit/%s" % target.username)
+ return dict()
+ else:
+ change_subject = _('RPM Fusion Account Data Update %s') % \
+ target.username
+ change_text = _('''
+You have just updated information about your account. If you did not request
+these changes please contact root(a) and let them know. Your
+updated information is:
+ username: %(username)s
+ full name: %(fullname)s
+ ircnick: %(ircnick)s
+ telephone: %(telephone)s
+ locale: %(locale)s
+ timezone: %(timezone)s
+ country code: %(country_code)s
+ latitude: %(latitude)s
+ longitude: %(longitude)s
+ privacy flag: %(privacy)s
+ ssh_key: %(ssh_key)s
+ gpg_keyid: %(gpg_keyid)s
+If the above information is incorrect, please log in and fix it:
+ %(editurl)s/accounts/user/edit/%(username)s
+''') % { 'username' : target.username,
+ 'fullname' : target.human_name,
+ 'ircnick' : target.ircnick,
+ 'telephone' : target.telephone,
+ 'locale' : target.locale,
+ 'timezone' : target.timezone,
+ 'country_code' : target.country_code,
+ 'latitude' : target.latitude,
+ 'longitude' : target.longitude,
+ 'privacy' : target.privacy,
+ 'ssh_key' : target.ssh_key,
+ 'gpg_keyid' : target.gpg_keyid,
+ 'editurl' :
+ send_mail(, change_subject, change_text)
+ turbogears.flash(_('Your account details have been saved.') + \
+ ' ' + emailflash)
+ fas.fedmsgshim.send_message(topic="user.update", msg={
+ 'agent': person.username,
+ 'user': target.username,
+ 'fields': changed,
+ })
+ turbogears.redirect("/user/view/%s" % target.username)
+ return dict()
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose()
+ def updatestatus(self, people, status):
+ ''' Change account status on given user. '''
+ target = People.by_username(people)
+ user = identity.current.user_name
+ # Prevent user from using url directly to update
+ # account if requested's status has been set already.
+ if target.status == status:
+ turbogears.redirect("/user/view/%s" % target.username)
+ return dict()
+ (modo, can_update) = is_modo(user)
+ if (modo and can_update) or is_admin(user):
+ try:
+ target.status = status
+ target.status_change =
+ except TypeError, error:
+ turbogears.flash(_('Account status could not be changed: %s')
+ % error)
+ turbogears.redirect("/user/view/%s" % target.username)
+ return dict()
+ else:
+ turbogears.flash(_("You're not allowed to update accounts!"))
+ turbogears.redirect("/user/view/%s" % target.username)
+ return dict()
+ if is_admin(user) and status in disabled_statuses:
+ target.old_password = target.password
+ target.password = '*'
+ for group in target.unapproved_memberships:
+ try:
+ target.remove(group, target.username)
+ except fas.RemoveError:
+ pass
+ subject = _('Your RPM Fusion Account has been set to %s') % status
+ text = _('''
+Your account status have just been set to %s by an admin or an account's moderator.
+If this is not expected, please contact root(a) and let them know.
+- The RPM Fusion Account System
+ ''') % status
+ send_mail(, subject, text)
+ fas.fedmsgshim.send_message(topic="user.update", msg={
+ 'agent': user,
+ 'user': target.username,
+ 'fields': ['status'],
+ })
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % target.username)
+ return dict()
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.list", allow_json=True)
+ def dump(self, search=u'a*', groups=''):
+ ''' Return a list of users sorted by search
+ :arg search: Search wildcard (a* or *blah*) to filter by usernames
+ :arg groups: Filter by specific groups
+ :returns: dict of people, unapproved_paople and search string
+ '''
+ groups_to_return_list = groups.split(',')
+ groups_to_return = []
+ # Special Logic, find out all the people who are in more then one group
+ if '@all' in groups_to_return_list:
+ groups_results = Groups.query().filter(Groups.group_type!='cla')
+ for group in groups_results:
+ groups_to_return.append(
+ for group_type in groups_to_return_list:
+ if group_type.startswith('@'):
+ group_list = Groups.query.filter(Groups.group_type.in_(
+ [group_type.strip('@')]))
+ for group in group_list:
+ groups_to_return.append(
+ else:
+ groups_to_return.append(group_type)
+ people = People.query.join('roles').filter(
+ PersonRoles.role_status=='approved').join(
+ groups_to_return ))
+ # p becomes what we send back via json
+ people_dict = []
+ for strip_p in people:
+ strip_p = strip_p.filter_private()
+ if strip_p.status == 'active':
+ people_dict.append({
+ 'username' : strip_p.username,
+ 'id' :,
+ 'ssh_key' : strip_p.ssh_key,
+ 'human_name': strip_p.human_name,
+ 'password' : strip_p.password
+ })
+ return dict(people=people_dict, unapproved_people=[], search=search)
+ #class UserList(validators.Schema):
+ # search = validators.UnicodeString()
+ # fields = validators.Set()
+ # limit = validators.Int()
+ #@validate(validators=UserList())
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.list", allow_json=True)
+ def list(self, search=u'a*', fields=None, limit=None, status=None,
+ by_email=None, by_ircnick=None):
+ '''List users
+ :kwarg search: Limit the users returned by the search string. * is a
+ wildcard character.
+ :kwarg fields: Fields to return in the json request. Default is
+ to return everything.
+ :kwargs status: if specified, only returns accounts with this status.
+ :kwargs by_email: if true or 1, the search is done by email instead of
+ nickname.
+ :kwargs by_ircnick: if true or 1, the search is done by ircnick instead
+ of nickname.
+ This should be fixed up at some point. Json data needs at least the
+ following for fasClient to work::
+ list of users with these attributes:
+ username
+ id
+ ssh_key
+ human_name
+ password
+ The template, on the other hand, needs to know about::
+ list of usernames with information about whether the user is
+ approved in cla_done
+ supybot-fedora uses the email attribute
+ The json information is useful so we probably want to create a new
+ method for it at some point. One which returns the list of users with
+ more complete information about themselves. Then this method can
+ change to only returning username and cla status.
+ '''
+ ### FIXME: Should port this to a validator
+ # Work around a bug in TG (
+ # When called as /user/list/* search is a str type.
+ # When called as /user/list/?search=* search is a unicode type.
+ if not search:
+ search = u'*'
+ if not isinstance(search, unicode) and isinstance(search, basestring):
+ search = unicode(search, 'utf-8', 'replace')
+ re_search = search.translate({ord(u'*'): ur'%'}).lower()
+ if isinstance(fields, basestring):
+ # If a string, then make a list
+ fields = [fields]
+ elif fields:
+ # This makes sure the field is a list
+ fields = list(fields)
+ else:
+ fields = []
+ # Ensure limit is a valid number
+ if limit:
+ try:
+ limit = int(limit)
+ except ValueError:
+ limit = None
+ # Set a reasonable default limit for web interface results
+ if not limit and request_format() != 'json':
+ limit = 100
+ joined_roles = PeopleTable.outerjoin(PersonRolesTable,
+ .outerjoin(GroupsTable,
+ if str(by_email).lower() in ['1', 'true']:
+ if ur'%' in re_search:
+ stmt = select([joined_roles]).where(
+ re_search)).order_by(People.username).limit(limit)
+ else:
+ stmt = select([joined_roles]).where(\
+ .order_by(People.username).limit(limit)
+ elif str(by_ircnick).lower() in ['1', 'true']:
+ if ur'%' in re_search:
+ stmt = select([joined_roles]).where(People.ircnick.ilike(
+ re_search)).order_by(People.username).limit(limit)
+ else:
+ stmt = select([joined_roles]).where(People.ircnick==re_search)\
+ .order_by(People.username).limit(limit)
+ else:
+ if ur'%' in re_search:
+ stmt = select([joined_roles]).where(People.username.ilike(
+ re_search)).order_by(People.username).limit(limit)
+ else:
+ stmt = select([joined_roles]).where(People.username==re_search)\
+ .order_by(People.username).limit(limit)
+ if status is not None:
+ stmt = stmt.where(People.status==status)
+ stmt.use_labels = True
+ people = stmt.execute()
+ people_map = dict()
+ group_map = dict()
+ # This replicates what filter_private does. At some point we might
+ # want to figure out a way to pull this into a function
+ if identity.in_any_group(config.get('admingroup', 'accounts'),
+ config.get('systemgroup', 'fas-system')):
+ # Admin and system are the same for now
+ user = 'admin'
+ elif identity.current.anonymous:
+ user = 'anonymous'
+ else:
+ user = 'public'
+ # user_perms is a synonym for user with one difference
+ # If user is public then we end up changing user_perms
+ # depending on whether the record is for the user themselves and if
+ # the record has privacy set
+ user_perms = user
+ for record in people:
+ if record.people_username not in people_map:
+ # Create a new person
+ person = Bunch()
+ if user == 'public':
+ # The general public gets different fields depending on
+ # the record being accessed
+ if identity.current.user_name == record.people_username:
+ user_perms = 'self'
+ elif record.people_privacy:
+ user_perms = 'privacy'
+ else:
+ user_perms = 'public'
+ # Clear all the fields so the client side doesn't get KeyError
+ for field in People.allow_fields['complete']:
+ person[field] = None
+ # Fill in the people record
+ for field in People.allow_fields[user_perms]:
+ person[field] = record['people_%s' % field]
+ if identity.in_group(config.get('thirdpartygroup',
+ 'thirdparty')):
+ # Thirdparty is a little strange as it has to obey the
+ # privacy flag just like a normal user but we allow a few
+ # fields to be sent on in addition (ssh_key for now)
+ for field in People.allow_fields['thirdparty']:
+ person[field] = record['people_%s' % field]
+ # Make sure the password field is a default value that won't
+ # cause issue for scripts
+ if 'password' not in People.allow_fields[user_perms]:
+ person.password = '*'
+ person.group_roles = {}
+ person.memberships = []
+ person.roles = []
+ people_map[record.people_username] = person
+ else:
+ # We need to have a reference to the person since we're
+ # going to add a group to it
+ person = people_map[record.people_username]
+ if record.groups_name not in group_map:
+ # Create the group
+ group = Bunch()
+ = record.groups_id
+ group.display_name = record.groups_display_name
+ = record.groups_name
+ group.invite_only = record.groups_invite_only
+ group.url = record.groups_url
+ group.creation = record.groups_creation
+ group.irc_network = record.groups_irc_network
+ group.needs_sponsor = record.groups_needs_sponsor
+ group.prerequisite_id = record.groups_prerequisite_id
+ group.user_can_remove = record.groups_user_can_remove
+ group.mailing_list_url = record.groups_mailing_list_url
+ group.mailing_list = record.groups_mailing_list
+ group.irc_channel = record.groups_irc_channel
+ group.apply_rules = record.groups_apply_rules
+ group.joinmsg = record.groups_joinmsg
+ group.group_type = record.groups_group_type
+ group.owner_id = record.groups_owner_id
+ group_map[record.groups_name] = group
+ else:
+ group = group_map[record.groups_name]
+ if not in person.group_roles:
+ # Add the group to the person record
+ person.memberships.append(group)
+ role = Bunch()
+ role.internal_comments = record.person_roles_internal_comments
+ role.role_status = record.person_roles_role_status
+ role.creation = record.person_roles_creation
+ role.sponsor_id = record.person_roles_sponsor_id
+ role.person_id = record.person_roles_person_id
+ role.approval = record.person_roles_approval
+ role.group_id = record.person_roles_group_id
+ role.role_type = record.person_roles_role_type
+ person.group_roles[] = role
+ person.roles.append(role)
+ if len(people_map) == 1 and people_map.get(search) and request_format() !=
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % search)
+ return dict()
+ approved = []
+ unapproved = []
+ cla_done_group = config.get('cla_done_group', 'cla_done')
+ for person in people_map.itervalues():
+ if cla_done_group in person.group_roles:
+ cla_status = person.group_roles[cla_done_group].role_status
+ else:
+ cla_status = 'unapproved'
+ # Current default is to return everything unless fields is set
+ if fields:
+ # If set, return only the fields that were requested
+ try:
+ person = dict((field, getattr(person, field)) for field
+ in fields)
+ except AttributeError, error:
+ # An invalid field was given
+ turbogears.flash(_('Invalid field specified: %(error)s') %
+ {'error': str(error)})
+ if request_format() == 'json':
+ return dict(exc='Invalid', tg_template='json')
+ else:
+ return dict(people=[], unapproved_people=[],
+ search=search)
+ if cla_status == 'approved':
+ approved.append(person)
+ else:
+ unapproved.append(person)
+ if not (approved or unapproved):
+ turbogears.flash(_("No users found matching '%s'") %
+ return dict(people=approved, unapproved_people=unapproved,
+ search=search)
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose(format='json')
+ def email_list(self, search=u'*'):
+ '''Return a username to email address mapping.
+ Keyword arguments:
+ :search: filter the results by this search string. * is a wildcard and
+ the filter is anchored to the beginning of the username by default.
+ Returns: a mapping of usernames to email addresses. Note that users
+ of all statuses, including bot, inactive, expired, and
+ admin_disabled are included in this mapping.
+ '''
+ ### FIXME: Should port this to a validator
+ # Work around a bug in TG (
+ # When called as /user/list/* search is a str type.
+ # When called as /user/list/?search=* search is a unicode type.
+ if not isinstance(search, unicode) and isinstance(search, basestring):
+ search = unicode(search, 'utf-8', 'replace')
+ re_search = search.translate({ord(u'*'): ur'%'}).lower()
+ people = select([PeopleTable.c.username,
+ re_search)).order_by('username').execute().fetchall()
+ emails = dict(people)
+ return dict(emails=emails)
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose(template='fas.templates.user.verifyemail')
+ def verifyemail(self, token, cancel=False):
+ ''' Used to verify the email address after a user has changed it
+ :arg token: Token emailed to the user, if correct the email is verified
+ :arg cancel: Cancel the outstanding change request
+ :returns: person and token
+ '''
+ username = identity.current.user_name
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ if cancel:
+ person.emailtoken = ''
+ turbogears.flash(_('Your pending email change has been canceled.'+\
+ ' The email change token has been invalidated.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % username)
+ return dict()
+ if not person.unverified_email:
+ turbogears.flash(_('You do not have any pending email changes.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % username)
+ return dict()
+ if person.emailtoken and (person.emailtoken != token):
+ turbogears.flash(_('Invalid email change token.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % username)
+ return dict()
+ person = person.filter_private()
+ return dict(person=person, token=token)
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose()
+ def setemail(self, token):
+ ''' Set email address once a request has been made
+ :arg token: Token of change request
+ :returns: Empty dict
+ '''
+ username = identity.current.user_name
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ if not (person.unverified_email and person.emailtoken):
+ turbogears.flash(_('You do not have any pending email changes.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % username)
+ return dict()
+ if person.emailtoken != token:
+ turbogears.flash(_('Invalid email change token.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % username)
+ return dict()
+ # Log the change
+ old_email =
+ = person.unverified_email
+ Log(, description='Email changed from %s to %s' %
+ (old_email,
+ person.unverified_email = ''
+ session.flush()
+ turbogears.flash(_('You have successfully changed your email to
+ ) %
+ fas.fedmsgshim.send_message(topic="user.update", msg={
+ 'agent': person.username,
+ 'user': person.username,
+ 'fields': ('email',),
+ })
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % username)
+ return dict()
+ @expose(template='')
+ def new(self):
+ ''' Displays the user with a form to to fill out to to sign up
+ :returns: Captcha object and show
+ '''
+ show = {}
+ show['show_postal_address'] = config.get('show_postal_address')
+ if identity.not_anonymous():
+ turbogears.flash(_('No need to sign up, you have an account!'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % identity.current.user_name)
+ return dict(captcha=CAPTCHA, show=show)
+ @expose(template='')
+ @validate(validators=UserCreate())
+ @error_handler(error) # pylint: disable-msg=E0602
+ def create(self, username, human_name, email, verify_email, security_question,
security_answer, telephone=None,
+ postal_address=None, age_check=False, captcha=None,
+ ''' Parse arguments from the UI and make sure everything is in
+ :arg username: requested username
+ :arg human_name: full name of new user
+ :arg human_name_override: override check of user's full name
+ :arg email: email address of the new user
+ :arg verify_email: double check of users email
+ :arg security_question: the security question in case user loses access to
+ :arg security_answer: the answer to the security question
+ :arg telephone: telephone number of new user
+ :arg postal_address: Mailing address of user
+ :arg age_check: verifies user is over 13 years old
+ :arg captcha: captcha to ensure the user is a human
+ :returns: person
+ '''
+ # TODO: perhaps implement a timeout- delete account
+ # if the e-mail is not verified (i.e. the person changes
+ # their password) within X days.
+ # Check that the user claims to be over 13 otherwise it puts us in a
+ # legally sticky situation.
+ email = email.lower()
+ verify_email = verify_email.lower()
+ if not age_check:
+ turbogears.flash(_("We're sorry but out of special concern " +
+ "for children's privacy, we do not knowingly accept online " +
+ "personal information from children under the age of 13. We " +
+ "do not knowingly allow children under the age of 13 to become "
+ "registered members of our sites or buy products and services " +
+ "on our sites. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal "
+ "information about children under 13."))
+ turbogears.redirect('/')
+ email_test = select([PeopleTable.c.username],
+ func.lower(\
+ .execute().fetchall()
+ if email_test:
+ turbogears.flash(_("Sorry. That email address is already in " + \
+ "use. Perhaps you forgot your password?"))
+ turbogears.redirect("/")
+ return dict()
+ if email != verify_email:
+ turbogears.flash(_("Sorry. Email addresses do not match"))
+ turbogears.redirect("/")
+ return dict()
+ # Check that the user claims to be over 13 otherwise it puts us in a
+ # legally sticky situation.
+ if not age_check:
+ turbogears.flash(_("We're sorry but out of special concern " +
+ "for children's privacy, we do not knowingly accept online " +
+ "personal information from children under the age of 13. We " +
+ "do not knowingly allow children under the age of 13 to become "
+ "registered members of our sites or buy products and services " +
+ "on our sites. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal "
+ "information about children under 13."))
+ turbogears.redirect(redirect_location)
+ return dict()
+ test = select([PeopleTable.c.username],
+ func.lower(
+ if test:
+ turbogears.flash(_("Sorry. That email address is already in " + \
+ "use. Perhaps you forgot your password?"))
+ turbogears.redirect(redirect_location)
+ return dict()
+ try:
+ person, accepted = self.create_user(username.strip(),
+ human_name.strip(), email, security_question, security_answer,
+ telephone, postal_address.strip(), age_check)
+ except IntegrityError:
+ turbogears.flash(_("Your account could not be created. Please " +
+ "contact %s for assistance.") %
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/new')
+ return dict()
+ else:
+ Log(, description='Account created: %s' %
+ person.username)
+ if accepted is True:
+ turbogears.flash(_('Your password has been emailed to you. ' +
+ 'Please log in with it and change your password'))
+ elif accepted is False:
+ turbogears.flash(_('Your registration has been denied. Please' +
+ 'email accounts(a) if you ' + \
+ 'disagree with this decission.'))
+ else:
+ turbogears.flash(_('We are processing your account application, '
+ \
+ 'please watch for an email from us with the
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/changepass')
+ return dict()
+ def create_user(self, username, human_name, email, security_question,
+ telephone=None, postal_address=None, age_check=False,
+ ''' create_user: saves user information to the database and sends a
+ welcome email.
+ :arg username: requested username
+ :arg human_name: full name of new user
+ :arg email: email address of the new user
+ :arg security_question: the question to identify the user when he loses
access to his email
+ :arg security_answer: the answer to the security question
+ :arg telephone: telephone number of new user
+ :arg postal_address: Mailing address of user
+ :arg age_check: verifies user is over 13 years old
+ :arg redirect: location to redirect to after creation
+ :returns: person
+ '''
+ person = People()
+ person.username = username
+ person.human_name = human_name
+ person.telephone = telephone
+ person.postal_address = postal_address
+ = email
+ person.security_question = security_question
+ person.security_answer = encrypt_text(config.get('key_securityquestion'),
+ person.password = '*'
+ person.status = 'spamcheck_awaiting'
+ person.old_password = generate_password()['hash']
+ session.flush()
+ if config.get('antispam.registration.autoaccept', True):
+ self.accept_user(person)
+ return (person, True)
+ else: # Not autoaccepted, submit to spamcheck
+ r = submit_to_spamcheck('fedora.fas.registration',
+ {'user':
person.filter_private('systems', True)})
+ try:
+'Spam response: %s' % r.text)
+ response = r.json()
+ result = response['result']
+ except Exception as ex:
+ log.error('Spam checking failed: %s' % repr(ex))
+ result = 'checking'
+ # Result is either accepted, denied or checking
+ if result == 'accepted':
+ self.accept_user()
+ return (person, True)
+ elif result == 'denied':
+ person.status = 'spamcheck_denied'
+ session.flush()
+ return (person, False)
+ else:
+ return (person, None)
+ def accept_user(self, person):
+ newpass = generate_password()
+ send_mail(, _('Welcome to the RPM Fusion Project!'),
+You have created a new RPM Fusion account!
+Your username is: %(username)s
+Your new password is: %(password)s
+Please go to %(base_url)s%(webpath)s/user/changepass
+to change it.
+Welcome to the RPM Fusion Project. Now that you've signed up for an
+account you're probably desperate to start contributing, and with that
+in mind we hope this e-mail might guide you in the right direction to
+make this process as easy as possible.
+RPM Fusion is an exciting project with lots going on, and you can
+contribute in a huge number of ways, using all sorts of different
+skill sets. To find out about the different ways you can contribute to
+RPM Fusion, you can visit our join page which provides more information
+about all the different roles we have available.
+If you already know how you want to contribute to RPM Fusion, and have
+found the group already working in the area you're interested in, then
+there are a few more steps for you to get going.
+Foremost amongst these is to sign up for the team or project's mailing
+list that you're interested in - and if you're interested in more than
+one group's work, feel free to sign up for as many mailing lists as
+you like! This is because mailing lists are where the majority of work
+gets organised and tasks assigned, so to stay in the loop be sure to
+keep up with the messages.
+Once this is done, it's probably wise to send a short introduction to
+the list letting them know what experience you have and how you'd like
+to help. From here, existing members of the team will help you to find
+your feet as a RPM Fusion contributor.
+Please remember that you are joining a community made of contributors
+from all around the world, as such please stop by the Community Code of
+And finally, from all of us here at the RPM Fusion Project, we're looking
+forward to working with you!
+''') % {'username': person.username,
+ 'password': newpass['pass'],
+ 'base_url': config.get('base_url_filter.base_url'),
+ 'webpath': config.get('server.webpath')})
+ person.password = newpass['hash']
+ person.status = 'active'
+ session.flush()
+ fas.fedmsgshim.send_message(topic="user.create", msg={
+ 'agent': person.username,
+ 'user': person.username,
+ })
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose(allow_json=True)
+ def acceptuser(self, people, status):
+ ''' Accept account from antispam service. '''
+ target = People.by_username(people)
+ user = identity.current.user_name
+ # Prevent user from using url directly to update
+ # account if requested's status has been set already.
+ if target.status == status:
+ return {'result': 'nochange'}
+ (modo, can_update) = is_modo(user)
+ if (modo and can_update) or is_admin(user):
+ try:
+ target.status = status
+ target.status_change =
+ except TypeError, error:
+ return {'result': 'error', 'error': str(error)}
+ else:
+ return {'result': 'unauthorized'}
+ self.accept_user(target)
+ return {'result': 'OK'}
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.changequestion")
+ def changequestion(self):
+ ''' Provides forms for user to change security question/answer
+ :rerturns: empty dict
+ '''
+ return dict()
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @validate(validators=UserSetSecurityQuestion())
+ @error_handler(error)
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.changequestion")
+ def setquestion(self, currentpassword, newquestion, newanswer):
+ username = identity.current.user_name
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ # These are done here instead of in the validator because we may not
+ # have access to identity when testing the validators
+ if not person.password == crypt.crypt(currentpassword.encode('utf-8'),
+ person.password):
+ turbogears.flash(_('Your current password did not match'))
+ return dict()
+ try:
+ person.security_question = newquestion
+ person.security_answer =
encrypt_text(config.get('key_securityquestion'), newanswer)
+ Log(, description='Security question changed')
+ session.flush()
+ # TODO: Make this catch something specific.
+ except:
+ Log(, description='Security question change
+ turbogears.flash(_("Your security question could not be
+ return dict()
+ else:
+ turbogears.flash(_("Your security question has been changed."))
+ fas.fedmsgshim.send_message(topic="user.update", msg={
+ 'agent': person.username,
+ 'user': person.username,
+ 'fields': ['security_question',
+ })
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % identity.current.user_name)
+ return dict()
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.changepass")
+ def changepass(self):
+ ''' Provides forms for user to change password
+ :returns: empty dict
+ '''
+ return dict()
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @validate(validators=UserSetPassword())
+ @error_handler(error) # pylint: disable-msg=E0602
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.changepass")
+ def setpass(self, currentpassword, password, passwordcheck):
+ username = identity.current.user_name
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ # This is here due to a bug in older formencode where
+ # ChainedValidators did not fire
+ if password != passwordcheck:
+ turbogears.flash(_('passwords did not match'))
+ return dict()
+ # These are done here instead of in the validator because we may not
+ # have access to identity when testing the validators
+ if not person.password == crypt.crypt(currentpassword.encode('utf-8'),
+ person.password):
+ turbogears.flash(_('Your current password did not match'))
+ return dict()
+ if currentpassword == password:
+ turbogears.flash(_(
+ 'Your new password cannot be the same as your old one.'))
+ return dict()
+ newpass = generate_password(password)
+ try:
+ person.old_password = person.password
+ person.password = newpass['hash']
+ person.password_changed =
+ Log(, description='Password changed')
+ if config.get('ipa_sync_enabled', False):
+ self.sync_pwd_change_to_ipa(person.username, password)
+ session.flush()
+ # TODO: Make this catch something specific.
+ except:
+ session.rollback()
+ Log(, description='Password change failed!')
+ turbogears.flash(_("Your password could not be changed."))
+ return dict()
+ else:
+ turbogears.flash(_("Your password has been changed."))
+ fas.fedmsgshim.send_message(topic="user.update", msg={
+ 'agent': person.username,
+ 'user': person.username,
+ 'fields': ['password'],
+ })
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % identity.current.user_name)
+ return dict()
+ def sync_pwd_change_to_ipa(self, user_name, password):
+ os.system('kinit -k -t %s %s' % (config.get('ipa_sync_keytab'),
+ config.get('ipa_sync_principal')))
+ c ='https://%s/ipa/session/login_kerberos'
+ % config.get('ipa_sync_server'),
+ auth=HTTPKerberosAuth(),
+ verify=config.get('ipa_sync_certfile'))
+ r ='https://%s/ipa/session/json'
+ % config.get('ipa_sync_server'),
+ json={'method': 'user_mod',
+ 'params':[
+ [user_name],
+ {'userpassword': password}
+ ],
+ 'id': 0},
+ verify=config.get('ipa_sync_certfile'),
+ cookies=c.cookies,
+ headers={'referer':
+ 'https://%s/ipa'
+ % config.get('ipa_sync_server')}).json()
+ if r['error'] is not None:
+ log.error('Error syncing password for %s: %s' % (user_name,
+ r['error']))
+ raise Exception('Error syncing password')
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.resetpass")
+ def resetpass(self):
+ ''' Prompt user to reset password
+ :returns: empty dict
+ '''
+ if identity.not_anonymous():
+ turbogears.flash(_('You are already logged in!'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % identity.current.user_name)
+ return dict()
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.resetpass")
+ def sendtoken(self, username, email, encrypted=False):
+ ''' Email token to user for password reset
+ :arg username: username of user for verification
+ :arg email: email of user for verification
+ :arg encrypted: Should we encrypt the password
+ :returns: empty dict
+ '''
+ # Candidate for a validator later
+ username = username.lower()
+ email = email.lower()
+ if identity.current.user_name:
+ turbogears.flash(_("You are already logged in."))
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % identity.current.user_name)
+ return dict()
+ try:
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ except InvalidRequestError:
+ turbogears.flash(_('Username email combo does not exist!'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/resetpass')
+ if email !=
+ turbogears.flash(_("username + email combo unknown."))
+ return dict()
+ if person.status in disabled_statuses:
+ turbogears.flash(_("Your account currently has status " + \
+ "%(status)s. For more information, please contact " + \
+ "%(admin_email)s") % \
+ {'status': person.status,
+ 'admin_email': config.get('accounts_email')})
+ return dict()
+ if person.status == ('bot'):
+ turbogears.flash(_('System accounts cannot have their ' + \
+ 'passwords reset online. Please contact %(admin_email)s ' + \
+ 'to have it reset') % \
+ {'admin_email': config.get('accounts_email')})
+ reset_subject = _('Warning: attempted reset of system account')
+ reset_text = _('''
+Warning: Someone attempted to reset the password for system account
+%(account)s via the web interface.
+''') % {'account': username}
+ send_mail(config.get('accounts_email'), reset_subject, reset_text)
+ return dict()
+ token_charset = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
+ token = random_string(token_charset, 32)
+ mail = _('''
+Somebody (hopefully you) has requested a password reset for your account!
+To change your password (or to cancel the request), please visit
+''') % {'verifyurl' :
+ 'user': username, 'token': token}
+ if encrypted:
+ # TODO: Move this out to mail function
+ # think of how to make sure this doesn't get
+ # full of random keys (keep a clean Fedora keyring)
+ # TODO: MIME stuff?
+ keyid = re.sub('\s', '', person.gpg_keyid)
+ if not keyid:
+ turbogears.flash(_("This user does not have a GPG Key ID " +\
+ "set, so an encrypted email cannot be sent."))
+ return dict()
+ ret =[config.get('gpgexec'), '--keyserver',
+ config.get('gpg_keyserver'), '--recv-keys', keyid])
+ if ret != 0:
+ turbogears.flash(_(
+ "Your key could not be retrieved from"))
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/resetpass')
+ return dict()
+ else:
+ try:
+ # This may not be the neatest fix, but gpgme gave an error
+ # when mail was unicode.
+ plaintext = StringIO.StringIO(mail.encode('utf-8'))
+ ciphertext = StringIO.StringIO()
+ ctx = gpgme.Context()
+ ctx.armor = True
+ signer = ctx.get_key(re.sub('\s', '',
+ config.get('gpg_fingerprint')))
+ ctx.signers = [signer]
+ recipient = ctx.get_key(keyid)
+ def passphrase_cb(uid_hint, passphrase_info,
+ prev_was_bad, file_d):
+ ''' Get gpg passphrase '''
+ os.write(file_d, '%s\n' %
+ ctx.passphrase_cb = passphrase_cb
+ ctx.encrypt_sign([recipient],
+ plaintext,
+ ciphertext)
+ mail = ciphertext.getvalue()
+ except:
+ turbogears.flash(_(
+ 'Your password reset email could not be encrypted.'))
+ return dict()
+ send_mail(email, _('RPM Fusion Project Password Reset'), mail)
+ person.passwordtoken = token
+ Log(,
+ description='Password reset sent for %s' % person.username)
+ turbogears.flash(_('A password reset URL has been emailed to you.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/login')
+ return dict()
+ @error_handler(error) # pylint: disable-msg=E0602
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.verifypass")
+ @validate(validators={'username' : KnownUser})
+ def verifypass(self, username, token, cancel=False):
+ ''' Verifies whether or not the user has a password change request
+ :arg username: username of person to password change
+ :arg token: Token to check
+ :arg cancel: Whether or not to cancel the request
+ :returns: empty dict
+ '''
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ if person.status in disabled_statuses:
+ turbogears.flash(_("Your account currently has status " + \
+ "%(status)s. For more information, please contact " + \
+ "%(admin_email)s") % {'status': person.status,
+ 'admin_email': config.get('accounts_email')})
+ return dict()
+ if not person.passwordtoken:
+ turbogears.flash(_("You don't have any pending password
+ turbogears.redirect('/login')
+ return dict()
+ if person.passwordtoken != token:
+ turbogears.flash(_('Invalid password change token.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/login')
+ return dict()
+ if cancel:
+ person.passwordtoken = ''
+ Log(,
+ description='Password reset cancelled for %s' %
+ person.username)
+ turbogears.flash(_('Your password reset has been canceled. ' + \
+ 'The password change token has been invalidated.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/login')
+ return dict()
+ person = person.filter_private()
+ return dict(person=person, token=token)
+ @error_handler(error) # pylint: disable-msg=E0602
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.verifypass")
+ @validate(validators=UserResetPassword())
+ def setnewpass(self, username, token, password, passwordcheck):
+ ''' Sets a new password for a user
+ :arg username: Username of user to change password
+ :arg token: sanity check token
+ :arg password: new plain text password
+ :arg passwordcheck: must match password
+ :returns: empty dict or error
+ '''
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ changed = [] # Field names updated to emit via fedmsg
+ # Note: the following check should be done by the validator. It's
+ # here because of a bug in older formencode that caused chained
+ # validators to not fire.
+ if password != passwordcheck:
+ turbogears.flash(_("Both passwords must match"))
+ return dict()
+ if person.status in disabled_statuses:
+ turbogears.flash(_("Your account currently has status " + \
+ "%(status)s. For more information, please contact " + \
+ "%(admin_email)s") % \
+ {'status': person.status,
+ 'admin_email': config.get('accounts_email')})
+ return dict()
+ if not person.passwordtoken:
+ turbogears.flash(_('You do not have any pending password changes.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/login')
+ return dict()
+ if person.passwordtoken != token:
+ person.emailtoken = ''
+ turbogears.flash(_('Invalid password change token.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/login')
+ return dict()
+ # Re-enabled!
+ if person.status in ('inactive'):
+ # Check that the password has changed.
+ if (person.old_password and
+ crypt.crypt(password.encode('utf-8'), person.old_password)
+ == person.old_password) or (
+ person.password and
+ self.crypted_password_re.match(person.password) and
+ crypt.crypt(password.encode('utf-8'), person.password)
+ == person.password):
+ turbogears.flash(_('Your password can not be the same ' + \
+ 'as your old password.'))
+ return dict(person=person, token=token)
+ person.status = 'active'
+ person.status_change =
+ changed.append('status')
+ # Log the change
+ newpass = generate_password(password)
+ person.old_password = person.password
+ person.password = newpass['hash']
+ person.password_changed =
+ person.passwordtoken = ''
+ changed.append('password')
+ Log(, description='Password changed')
+ session.flush()
+ turbogears.flash(_('You have successfully reset your password. ' + \
+ 'You should now be able to login below.'))
+ fas.fedmsgshim.send_message(topic="user.update", msg={
+ 'agent': person.username,
+ 'user': person.username,
+ 'fields': changed,
+ })
+ turbogears.redirect('/login')
+ return dict()
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose(template="fas.templates.user.gencert")
+ def gencert(self):
+ ''' Displays a simple text link to users to click to actually get a
+ certificate
+ :returns: empty dict
+ '''
+ return dict()
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose(template="genshi:fas.templates.user.gencertdisabled",
+ allow_json=True, content_type='text/html')
+ @expose(template="genshi-text:fas.templates.user.cert",
+ content_type='application/x-x509-user-cert', allow_json=True)
+ def dogencert(self):
+ ''' Generates a user certificate
+ :returns: empty dict though via tg it returns an x509 cert'''
+ from cherrypy import response
+ if not config.get('gencert', False):
+ # Certificate generation is disabled on this machine
+ # Return the error page
+ return dict()
+ import tempfile
+ username = identity.current.user_name
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ if not cla_done(person):
+ if self.json_request():
+ return dict(cla=False)
+ turbogears.flash(_('Before generating a certificate, you must ' + \
+ 'first complete the FPCA.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/fpca/')
+ return dict()
+ response.headers["content-disposition"] = "attachment"
+ pkey = openssl_fas.createKeyPair(openssl_fas.TYPE_RSA, 2048)
+ digest = config.get('openssl_digest')
+ req = openssl_fas.createCertRequest(pkey, digest=digest,
+ C=config.get('openssl_c'),
+ ST=config.get('openssl_st'),
+ L=config.get('openssl_l'),
+ O=config.get('openssl_o'),
+ OU=config.get('openssl_ou'),
+ CN=person.username,
+ )
+ reqdump = crypto.dump_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, req)
+ certdump = ''
+ while True:
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(config.get('openssl_lockdir'),
+ break
+ except OSError:
+ time.sleep(0.75)
+ try:
+ reqfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ reqfile.write(reqdump)
+ reqfile.flush()
+ indexfile = open(config.get('openssl_ca_index'))
+ for entry in indexfile:
+ attrs = entry.split('\t')
+ if attrs[0] != 'V':
+ continue
+ # the index line looks something like this:
+ #
+ # V\t090818174940Z\t\t01\tunknown\t/C=US/ST=North Carolina/O=Fedora
Project/OU=Upload Files/CN=toshio/emailAddress=badger(a)clingman.lan
+ distinguished_name = attrs[5]
+ serial = attrs[3]
+ info = {}
+ for pair in distinguished_name.split('/'):
+ if pair:
+ key, value = pair.split('=')
+ info[key] = value
+ if info['CN'] == person.username:
+ # revoke old certs
+[config.get('makeexec'), '-C',
+ config.get('openssl_ca_dir'), 'revoke',
+ 'cert=%s/%s' %
+ serial + '.pem')])
+ certfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ command = [config.get('makeexec'), '-C',
+ config.get('openssl_ca_dir'), 'sign',
+ 'req=%s' %, 'cert=%s' %]
+ ret =
+ reqfile.close()
+ certdump =
+ certfile.close()
+ finally:
+ os.rmdir(os.path.join(config.get('openssl_lockdir'),
+ if ret != 0:
+ turbogears.flash(_('Your certificate could not be generated.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/home')
+ return dict()
+ keydump = crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pkey)
+ cherrypy.request.headers['Accept'] = 'text'
+ gencert_subject = _('A new certificate has been generated for %s') % \
+ person.username
+ gencert_text = _('''
+You have generated a new SSL certificate. If you did not request this,
+please cc root(a) and let them know.
+Note that certificates generated prior to the current one have been
+automatically revoked, and should stop working within the hour.
+ send_mail(, gencert_subject, gencert_text)
+ Log(, description='Certificate generated for %s' %
+ person.username)
+ fas.fedmsgshim.send_message(topic="user.update", msg={
+ 'agent': person.username,
+ 'user': person.username,
+ 'fields': ['certificate'],
+ })
+ return dict(tg_template="genshi-text:fas.templates.user.cert",
+ cla=True, cert=certdump, key=keydump)
+ @identity.require(identity.in_group(
+ config.get('systemgroup', 'fas-system')))
+ @expose(allow_json=True)
+ def update_last_seen(self, username, last_seen=None):
+ ''' Update the persons last_seen field in the database
+ :arg username: Username of the person to update
+ :arg last_seen: Specify the time they were last seen, else now
+ Format should be string: YYYY,MM,DD,hh,mm,ss
+ :returns: Empty dict on success
+ '''
+ if not last_seen:
+ last_seen =
+ else:
+ update_time = last_seen.split(',')
+ last_seen = datetime(int(update_time[0]), # Year
+ int(update_time[1]), # Month
+ int(update_time[2]), # Day
+ int(update_time[3]), # Hour
+ int(update_time[4]), # Minute
+ int(update_time[5]), # Second
+ 0, # ms
+ pytz.utc) # tz
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ print "LAST_SEEN: %s" % last_seen
+ person.last_seen = last_seen
+ session.flush()
+ return dict()
+ @identity.require(identity.not_anonymous())
+ @expose()
+ def clearkey(self):
+ username = identity.current.user_name
+ person = People.by_username(username)
+ person.ssh_key = ''
+ fas.fedmsgshim.send_message(topic="user.update", msg={
+ 'agent': person.username,
+ 'user': person.username,
+ 'fields': ['ssh_key'],
+ })
+ turbogears.flash(_('Your key has been removed.'))
+ turbogears.redirect('/user/view/%s' % username)
+ return dict()