Hosting and repo layout

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at
Sat Oct 13 19:15:29 CEST 2007

On 11.10.2007 20:36, Hans de Goede wrote:
> Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
>> ping:
>> @all -- repo layout?
> To make it clear: I don't have an opinion on this.

This is what it would look like when we want to replicate the Fedora
layout (example only for el5 and Fedora 8/development; both only i386 to
keep things simple):
`-- free
    |-- el
    |   |-- 5
    |   |   `-- i386
    |   |       |-- all_the.rpms
    |   |       `-- repodata
    |   `-- testing
    |       `-- 5
    |           `-- i386
    |               |-- all_the.rpms
    |               `-- repodata
    `-- fedora
        |-- development
        |   `-- i386
        |       `-- os
        |           `-- repodata
        |-- releases
        |   `-- 8
        |       |-- AddOn
        |       |   `-- addon.i386.iso
        |       |-- Everything
        |       |   `-- i386
        |       |       `-- os
        |       |           |-- all_the.rpms
        |       |           `-- repodata
        |       |-- Live
        |       |   `-- coolspin.i386.iso
        |       `-- RPMFusion
        |           `-- i386
        |               |-- iso
        |               |   `-- rpmfusion_spin.iso
        |               `-- os
        |                   |-- repodata
        |                   `-- subset_of_everything.rpms
        `-- updates
            |-- 8
            |   `-- i386
            |       |-- all_the.rpms
            |       `-- repodata
            `-- testing
                `-- 8
                    `-- i386
                        |-- all_the.rpms
                        `-- repodata
 - people are used to the layout
 - room for spins, add-on CDs
 - might be more complicated than actually needed



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