Please don't overload the x86 buildsys

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at
Mon Aug 18 07:15:22 CEST 2008


Just a note: The network connection to the x86 builder is not the 
fattest afaics. So if more then one big package is build and still 
downloading then it seems to happen that other big packages build 
directly after that will fail to download with a error message like this:

> Job failed on arch x86_64: couldn't download result files from builder ''.
> Please contact the build system administrator.

Requeuing the job should just get the package built.

So if you know you package is big or if you know other big packages are 
in the queue then please wait a bit before queuing more jobs. Yeah, that 
sucks, but we have to live with that (¹). I'm working on installing a 
second x86 builder; hopefully that will make this problem show up less.


(¹) -- at least as long as nobody offers us a datacenter where all the 
plague machines are closely connected

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