cvsextras request

Michel Salim michel.sylvan at
Mon Aug 25 02:06:00 CEST 2008


I've been a Fedora package maintainer for quite some time
(, and currently
maintain Vagalume for Livna/RPMfusion (I do not have commit rights for
Livna, since Vagalume was reviewed just a couple of months ago, close
to the transition to RPMfusion).

I've set up my RPMfusion account, already have a Bugzilla account,
signed the CLA and requested membership in packagers and bugs. Could
one of the administrators approve my group membership?

(note that the owners list does not list the email I use for Bugzilla,
michel.sylvan at, as I was using my email for
the changelog entries. The package was initially intended for
inclusion in Fedora, but while it does not contain any infringing
code, it is useless without an MP3 plugin for Gstreamer and so would
not have worked out of the box)


Michel Salim

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