rpmfusion based spin

Rahul Sundaram metherid at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 03:39:36 CEST 2008

Andreas Thienemann wrote:
> I'm a bit concerned that this will result in a lot of technically 
> illiterate users installung "our fedora" because "it just works!!!111!!" 
> and then come crying back to usthat it doesn't look like fedora, that we 
> broke something or whatever else they can come up with.
> In the end we either ignore this resulting in a lot of frustration vented 
> on digg or ./. Or alternatively, we spent lots of our limited time helping 
> these guys.
The artwork for the most part is going to be the same if we use 
generic-logos. Rest of the packages from Fedora are not modified and 
will work exactly the same. You only would have to deal with bugs from 
RPMFusion specific packages which you would have to do anyway.

> Ohhh right, the .*Kit madness. Does PackageKit works nowadays? 
Yes, it does and it is getting adopted by others like  Opensuse, 
Mandriva, Ubuntu etc. If you have a actual problem, file a bug report.

> Hey, don't knock it. The time setting up a PXE server at home (takes what? 
> 15min for the uninitiated?) is well spent...
Not everybody has network access and spare systems.   The audience for 
live cd's are entirely different from the end users who have the 
knowledge, inclination and infrastructure to setup pxeboot servers.


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