[Bug 19] Review request: blcr - Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart for
RPM Fusion Bugzilla
noreply at rpmfusion.org
Tue Dec 16 06:48:50 CET 2008
--- Comment #10 from Orcan Ogetbil <orcanbahri at yahoo.com> 2008-12-16 06:48:50 ---
This package surely needs some work. To start with:
* mock build fails on my x86_64. This is because you are trying to build and
include 32 bit libraries in a 64 bit package, which is not allowed. If one
needs 32 bit libraries (s)he can install blcr-libs.i386 in addition to
blcr_libs.x86_64 . So you should remove the "libdir32" bits from the SPEC file.
* Leave a comment in the SPEC file for why you are using ExclusiveArch.
* Try to avoid mixed ${ } %{_ } notation
* BR: "perl" and "sed" are not required since they are in the minimum build
* Please remove the static library bits from the SPEC file.
* rpmlint complains:
blcr-devel.x86_64: W: no-documentation
blcr-testsuite.x86_64: W: no-documentation
blcr-testsuite.x86_64: E: script-without-shebang
For the first two, at least put the license file(s) in those packages.
The last one is actually about an empty files. Well it is not empty but when
you open it, it says "#empty". Do you think we should include that file?
* Patches should be explained and be submitted to upstream if they are not
strictly Fedora specific.
* The file tests/CountingApp.class is binary and should be removed during %prep
* The file README.devel is not and should be packaged.
* Buildroot should be one of these:
%(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)
%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
* Why do you have:
# Ensure we don't build for a i386
%ifarch i386
set +x
echo "ERROR: Cannot build BLCR for a generic i386." >&2
echo "ERROR: Add \"--target `uname -p`\" (or similar) to the rpmbuild
command line." >&2
exit 1
in the SPEC file? Just remove i386 from ExclusiveArch and you should be fine.
* Please use
%post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
%postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
Afaik, they'll work more efficient.
* We prefer %defattr(-,root,root,-)
* Each package must consistently use macros, as described in the macros section
of Fedora Packaging Guidelines . Avoid inconsistencies such as:
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
* Disttag is missing.
* The Fedora-specific compilation flag -fstack-protector is not passed to the
compiler. For a list of flags that should be passed to the compiler, please do
rpm --eval %optflags
* Parallel make must be supported whenever possible. If it is not supported,
this should be noted in the SPEC file as a comment.
* Shall we package the examples, tests directories?
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