CVS Request process -> ? into wiki

David Timms dtimms at
Sat Dec 20 04:44:21 CET 2008

Jarod Wilson wrote:
 > Hrm, at a glance, I'm not seeing anything in the wiki about how one goes
 > about requesting cvs changes like this, and we don't have cvs flags
 > available in bz... I vaguely recall seeing other cvs change requests
 > simply float by on this list.
In contributors: regarding new packages:
"And also set to your bug review the bug tracker RF_CVSsync by adding 
bug number #33"

Other info on the list suggested that it is OK to make bz requests in an 
existing closed bug (without re-opening) and specifying the tracker bug, 
or making a new one eg:

So I'm not 100% sure on the most preferred path, but would be good to be 
in the wiki.


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