News page in the Wiki
Thorsten Leemhuis
fedora at
Sun Nov 9 14:55:23 CET 2008
On 09.11.2008 14:39, Andrea Musuruane wrote:
> 2008/11/9 Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora at>:
>> I thought we could spread some news there to keep users up2date what
>> happening in RPM Fusion land; e.g. major new packages (say broadcom-wl),
>> updates for important packages (amd/nvidia) and things like that.
>> Do you guys like the idea (we can quickly delete the page if nobody likes
>> it)? Will you help getting some news added there now and then?
> I like the idea but I don't think that a wiki is the best way for
> spreading news. I think that even a simple blog like wordpress can do
> a better service (better artwork, RSS feeds, etc).
I mostly agree. But the Wiki has one (IMHO big) advantage over a
(wordpress) blog: You can subscribe to a page and the information comes
to you by mail; you don't have to go and check yourself (or let the RSS
reader check) if there is something new ;-)
> Anyway a wiki page is still better than nothing :)
Fully agreed.
And it has another benefit (which also can be a disadvantage): Everybody
has automatically access to it immediately.
> If you are interested on setting up wordpress I can help.
I for one have enough on my todo list already. But I'd be really glad if
somebody else could work on something like that.
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