First steps of the transition from Livna to RPM Fusion begins now for livna-devel users!

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at
Thu Oct 16 18:34:03 CEST 2008

Just wanted to reply to this thread somewhere but then I found this mail 
with pretty much sums up my thoughts:

On 16.10.2008 16:20, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
> Just to add a bit more balance, I think both point of views are 
> valuable. Indeed, it's against the law to distribute libdvdcss in some 
> countries and I believe it's perfectly fair not to have RPMfusion 
> distribute it. The purpose of RPMFusion is not to fight against bad 
> laws, but to distribute legal software that cannot be distributed by 
> Fedora itself for one reason or another. It is also perfectly fair to 
> fight against those dubious laws and I 100% agree with you on this 
> front. RPMFusion is just not the place to do that,  it would be too bad
> to loose contributors or worst, spoil all the efforts that were needed 
> to build RPMFusion. Thorsten spoke about yet another place to fetch 
> libdvdcss from

For now just continue to obtain it where you got it from until now (e.g. 
livna or freshrpms)

> , so let's have the people willing to endorse that do it, 

+1 -- I suppose those people will start to act once we definitely 
decided not to have libdvdcss in RPM Fusion

> but RPMFusion should stay away from this.



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