Import plans for freshrpms packages; please review!

Matthias Saou thias at
Fri Oct 17 11:04:27 CEST 2008

Hi everyone,

First of all, sorry for still being so absent... :-(

Following Hans' comment, a few more :

Thorsten Leemhuis wrote :

> Hi!
> I took a closer look at the list of freshrpms packages that have been in 
> in freshrpms only up to now (and not in dribble or livna).  Find the 
> list below. If nobody complains it'll likely start this weekend (e.g. 
> quite soon!) to import all those packages to RPM Fusion's CVS that are 
> marked as "import" in below list. Please yell if there are good reasons 
> not to import certain packages from that list. tia!
> Cu
> knurd
> --
> acx100-firmware
> -> Still needed/wanted? Not on
> acx111-firmware
> -> Still needed/wanted? Not on

Only useful with the kernel module that requires them. I haven't had to
deal with any card requiring it recently, so I don't know if this is
still current. I'd suggest not importing.

> advancescan
> -> import

This is so old that I wouldn't import it either. I doubt it still works
with recent MAME romsets.

> armagetronad
> -> Not on, but import 
> nevertheless (see next line)
> armagetronad-moviepack
> -> import (as it is on

As Hans wrote : Already in Fedora for the game itself, and the
moviepack has artwork directly taken from the movie... it's "cool", but
presents a legal issue for sure.

> BasiliskII
> -> import

One to import! :-)

> dvd95
> -> Not on, but import 
> nevertheless as relative new and up2date

More recent than the InitialPackageMerge update, can be imported.

> elisa-plugins-ugly -> Not on, 
> but import nevertheless as relative new and up2date

Required by the future elisa update in Fedora (still pending...).

> flvtool2
> -> import

Another easy import!

> gmameui ->   Not on, but import 
> nevertheless as relative new and up2date

A revived MAME GUI, can be imported and updated too.

> gocr
> -> Still needed/wanted? Not on

I don't have much interest in maintaining it. If someone wants to have
a look...

> gstreamer-pitfdll
> -> Hans?

I think that this one is mostly obsolete. The gstreamer-ffmpeg package
supports most (all?) of the formats this one supported. I wouldn't
import it.

> gxmame
> -> import

Dead, replaced by gmameui (see above). Don't import.

> hardlink++
> -> Still needed/wanted? Not on

Could be in Fedora itself, the same author rewrote it as hardlinkpy, so
I wouldn't import it.

> mac
> -> import

I don't have much interest in maintaining this. It's a requirement of
some other multimedia packages IIRC.

> mmsrip
> ->  import
> mimms
> -> import

Sure to both.

> perl-*

Those are probably all requirements of dvdrip that could go into Fedora.

> pidgin-encryption
> -> Still needed/wanted? Not on

Have used it a bit a while back. Not sure if it still works fine with
the latest pidgin.

> rar
> -> import

Beware, this is a proprietary shareware.

> rte
> -> import

Real Time Encoding library. IIRC, required by zapping (a TV program).
If nothing currently requires it, possibly not worth importing.

> vobcopy
> -> import
> SheepShaver
> -> import

These two are useful.

> snes9express
> -> import

This one was having problems with the latest Fedora releases. Someone
should check if it still works fine.

> snes9x
> -> import

Nice little emulator, sure.

> thoggen ->
> import
> torrentzip
> -> import

These two are useful.

> vstream-client
> -> import

This was a requirement of some other program. Possibly not needed

> xmame
> -> import
> xmame-roms
> ->  import

Please don't import these! The last xmame release is quite old, it's
unmaintained. sdlmame is the way to go now, I'm sure Hans will agree :-)

> xmms-aac
> -> import
> xmms-wma
> -> import

Hmmm, gtk1 xmms should die. This is only encouraging it to stick
around ;-)

> xplanet-maps
> -> import

If the latest xplanet works fine with it.

> xvid4conf
> -> import

This one is useful.

> vobcopy
> -> import

This one was already listed earlier ;-)


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