choosing the lesser evil - mednafen versioning scheme

Andrea Musuruane musuruan at
Tue Oct 28 11:13:53 CET 2008

2008/10/28 Julian Sikorski <belegdol at>:
> mednafen devs have released a new version today. It's 0.8.A, and it is
> newer than 0.8.9 (think hex). The problem is that rpm thinks that 0.8.9
> is older. This seems like epoch bump will be necessary, but kwizart
> suggested using fake version (0.8.10). I personally believe that epoch
> is a lesser evil here, but I'm open for suggestions. What is so wrong
> with using epoch anyway?

I would suggest to use a fake version too or to use a post release
version scheme (i.e. same version as before 0.8.9 but bigger release).
But among the two I prefer the first.



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