@packagers: please check that your packages are properly listed in the comps files

Karel Volný kvolny at redhat.com
Wed Sep 10 12:51:21 CEST 2008


> - check the list of packages you own by looking at
> free/owners.list and nonfree/owners.list

well, ufoai and ufoai-data are in free while these were moved to 
nonfree ... so I should cut&paste these lines? - or "Changes to 
this file must be done by a CVS admin."?

> - make sure all the *binary* packages that get built from the
> packages you maintain are listed in one of the groups of each
> comps files; e.g {non,}free/comps/comps-{el5, f8, f9,
> f10}.xml.in; if they are missing add them, just like you would
> do for Fedora;

and how would I do that in Fedora? :)

I've found 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/CompsXml ... so 
that I should add

<packagereq type="optional">qmmp-plugins-freeworld</packagereq>

to the group rpmfusion_free-sound-and-video in free, and

<packagereq type="optional">ufoai</packagereq>
<packagereq type="optional">ufoai-data</packagereq>
<packagereq type="optional">ufoai-doc</packagereq>

to the group rpmfusion_nonfree-games in nonfree?

umm ... I see ufoai packages are not built yet, let's take a look 
at it (yes, I've noticed that I should not build in F8 and F9 
ATM :-))

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