How to add RPMFusion repository to Fedora

Julian Sikorski belegdol at
Sat Sep 20 15:17:12 CEST 2008

Marcin Zajączkowski pisze:
> Hi,
> Maybe it's simple question, but I would like to add RPMFusion repository
> to my Fedora 8 (for tests) and I 'm not sure how to do that.
> I have seen bug 40 [1] (rpmfusion-release - RPM Fusion Repository
> Configuration), but configuration there ( and
> seems to be for some future infrastructure (no
> DNS entries for now).
> But, I have seen in a build system logs that there are built some new
> packages (for F8 and F9) and there is a Julian's post that he "just
> added RPMFusion repo to his Fedora 9", so I suspect it's possible.
> Would you be so kind to point proper configuration or at least link to
> the repository?
> [1] -
> Thanks
> Marcin

I basically rebuild the said rpmfusion-release packages, installed them,
and then edited the installed repo config files. You need to disable the
mirrorlist, enable the baseurl and then change download to download1
where appropriate. Also, you would need to set enabled=1 on the repos
you would like to test.


P.S. Remember to clean up the changes once the proper -release rpms are out.

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