Where we are and where do we what to go?

Rex Dieter rdieter at math.unl.edu
Wed Feb 4 14:00:05 CET 2009

Andrea Musuruane wrote:

> I have placed known testing/staging repositories in a different section in :
> http://rpmfusion.org/FedoraThirdPartyRepos
> I have tracked most 3rd party maintainers/packagers too.
> We should have an agreed invite mail mail here:
> http://rpmfusion.org/InviteThirdPartyRepo
> So, what next? Who's gonna send this email to 3rd party maintainers/packagers?

Excellent work.  I'd suggest a rpmfusion representative volunteer for 
each repo, particularly someone who has some familiarity with the repo 
or who runs it.

In the meantime, I'll go adjust the wiki to move kde-redhat to the 
"compatible" section. :)

-- Rex

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