F12 branch and rawhide for F13?

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Thu Nov 5 14:15:25 CET 2009


Sorry, a bit in a hurry, hence just a quick answer:

Karel Volný wrote on 05.11.2009 12:52:
> I'm a bit confused, have I missed something in between the 
> bugzilla spam to the list ...?
> Today, I tried to update qmmp-plugins-freeworld to 0.3.1
> I went to my projects directory, did the usual cvs up, cd devel, 
> update, commit, tag, build ...
> Now I got a reply that the package couldn't be built due to 
> dependencies, which is what I expected as it depends on qmmp 
> 0.3.1 which was built in rawhide only recently and may not have 
> been replicated to the mirrors and buildsystems. So far, so good.
> BUT ... I have noticed that it is tagged qmmp-plugins-
> freeworld-0_3_1-1_fc12 while it should be fc13
> ... my fault, I was not observant enough to notice earlier: the 
> F-12 dir does not exist, and devel does not tag as F-13.
> Which leads me to the conclusion that devel wasn't copied to F-12 
> on the date of Fedora branching and rpmfusion rawhide does not 
> match fedora rawhide. And it is only 13 days to Fedora 12 
> release, so this should have been done.
> Is that right, and in that case what is the reason for the delay?
> Or could it be just a consequence of some mess on my system? (Or 
> in my head? ;-))

RPM Fusion (and Livna before that) have always branched only a few days
(two to four days normally, sometimes less) before a release happens
(some reasons for this can be found in the mail archives of this list,
as this topic comes up *every* release; no time for more now, sorry).

IOW: Our devel-branch still targets F12.

That will likely chance in the future, as the unfrozen rawhide stuff and
the changes surrounding it will require adjustments on our side as well.


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