
Jack Neely jjneely at
Fri Sep 4 01:25:02 CEST 2009

Question about the kmod v2 stuff:

I have my own "build system" with some cracky makefiles and mock that I
store the packages I build in.

When I don't define 'kernels' mock quite happily builds the kmod
packages using the 

    BuildRequires: buildsys-build-rpmfusion-kerneldevpkgs-newest

and things seem fine.

However, when I define 'kernels' mock
doesn't grok a BuildRequires to pull in the proper kernel-devel package
and the build fails.  I don't think mock is aware of the
kmod-openafs-<kversion> package yet.  I've tried making sure kmodtool is
installed in my mock root (with my buildsys-build package) rather than
pulled in as a buildreq.  But no joy.

What's the best way to teach mock about the kernel-devel  BuildRequires?

Jack Neely <jjneely at>
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
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