hugin and software patents

Bruno Postle bruno at
Thu Sep 10 19:12:55 CEST 2009

On Thu 10-Sep-2009 at 12:50 -0400, Michel Alexandre Salim wrote:
>Hugin is the featured article of the week at LWN, and Fedora is
>specifically mentioned, in that our package is crippled (thanks a
>bunch, software patent laws!).
>Would there be interest in packaging a full version for RPMfusion, and
>if so, would it be in -free or -nonfree? If the Fedora packager is not
>an RPMfusion contributor yet, I believe the process is almost
>I'd be willing to review the package if it's submitted.

Hi I'm the fedora hugin packager and also the rpmfusion 
autopano-sift-C packager.

The hugin package hasn't been crippled, just the default preference 
for 'control point generator' is set to give a warning about 
patents - i.e. it assumes that autopano-sift-C isn't installed.

You can change this preference after installation and point it to 
the rpmfusion autopano-sift-C package.

BTW the autopano-sift-C package in rpmfusion is out of date and 
needs upgrading.  I can't get rpmfusion CVS access working, if 
somebody wants to push through an autopano-sift-C update you can 
help right there.


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