Any hope for a CVS request?

Andrea Musuruane musuruan at
Fri Dec 24 14:30:57 CET 2010

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Nicolas Chauvet <kwizart at> wrote:
> For all to notice: I usually proceed cvs request for some time now.
> In this case, the cvs request was proceeded as shown in rpmfusion-commits
> ,but may have failed on acl because of scripts changes.
> Can you give a try?

It didn't work. It seems I'm not in ACL for meka.

If you want to make any changes before committing, please press Ctrl-C.
Otherwise press Enter to proceed to commit.

? devel/import.log
cvs commit...
? devel/import.log
**** Access denied: musuruan is not in ACL for rpms/meka/devel
cvs commit: Pre-commit check failed
cvs [commit aborted]: correct above errors first!
cvs commit: saving log message in /tmp/cvsoAFUVb



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