Taking a break (this time for real) and looking for volunteers that take over my RPM Fusion jobs

Hans de Goede j.w.r.degoede at gmail.com
Sun Nov 28 12:26:11 CET 2010

Hi Thorsten,

On 11/28/2010 12:09 PM, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> Hi!
> Quoting from:
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.redhat.fedora.rpmfusion.devel/7034/
>> [...] Think of it a bit like "Thorsten
>> will be leaving us by start of the summer (to be clear: summer in the
>> northern hemisphere of 2010 ;-) ) and he only does those things from now
>> on that he really has to do to keep RPM Fusion running, as there is no
>> replacement (yet)". [...]
> Seems that was not enough of a warning, as I didn't get any work of my
> shoulders. I nevertheless stayed half a year longer and did some work to
> make sure RPM Fusion for F14 was ready. But I don't want to continue
> like this, as those jobs feel like a burdon and I think I did a bad job
> in the past few months (in some areas that was on purpose in the hope
> that someone would get annoyed enough and step up to take over that work).
> Hence I hereby announce that I plan to orphan most of my packages (all
> except for staging-kmod) in RPM Fusion and stop all the regular work by
> the end of this year(ยน). That includes
>   * pushes
>   * kmod rebuilds
> IOW: If you care about RPM Fusion and want it to continue to exist step
> up and take care of things, as I took care of some crucial things and
> there is no backup in place right now that will silently take over those
> jobs once I stop doing them.

I'm sorry to see you leave (*), but I understand you're decision. I'm not in
a position to pick up you're most important tasks:
   * pushes
   * kmod rebuilds

But I could maybe take over some of the packages you're orphaning. I was about
to ask for a list, but I realized I could do that myself, so for all on the list
here are Thorsten's packages in rpmfusion-free (according to owners.list):


I'll take over mp3gain, unless there are other takers.

For rpmfusion non-free the list is:



*) very very sorry to be precise

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