Adding Jockey to RPMFusion and its requirements

Nicolas Chauvet kwizart at
Thu Aug 4 20:40:12 CEST 2011

2011/8/1 Hedayat Vatankhah <hedayatv at>:
> Hi all,
> I'm Hedayat Vatankhah, a developer and a Fedora packager. As explained at
> [1], I have ported Jockey (Ubuntu's driver installer) to Fedora. Since its
> existence doesn't make any sense in Fedora without thirdparty repositories
> (except if configured to manage all hardware driver modules (even the free
> ones as standard kernel modules) which is not of much use), and it depends
> on RPMFusion for additional drivers, I think it should be added to RPMFusion
> instead of Fedora. Therefore, I'm interested to include it in RPMFusion.
> However, before submitting the package, there is something which should be
> solved. Jockey needs to somehow determine which drivers are needed for a
> special hardware. To do so, it relies on a mapping between hardware
> modaliases and kernel modules and packages. Currently, I have downloaded all
> hardware driver kmods from RPMFusion and extracted the list of supported
> modaliases using modinfo and stored them in a single file. But this is
> certainly not the way to go. Each kmod package should provide the list of
> supported modaliases by itself. Two methods come into my mind: adding
> modaliases as kmod RPM's provides (I'm not even sure if all of the required
> characters are supported as RPM provides; and I suggest the other method) or
> creating a sub-package for each kmod (e.g. kmod-nvidia-modaliases) which
> includes one file (inside /usr/share/jockey/modaliases/) listing all
> supported modaliases in the appropriate format. Then, we can have a
> metapackage (e.g. rpmfusion-modaliases) which jockey will depend on.
> What do you think?

Thx for your interest.

Either it will be used by default or not is another problem, I don't
think it is usefull to impose this solution for all rpmfusion users.
But this is more a choice for a derived distro that can bundle the
jockey package by default.

So, Jockey is acceptable in RPM Fusion as any other packages. You can
start a review request.
What are the informations needed to be extracted from the driver, and how ?

What I expect is module alias could be stored into rpm itself. That's
what is done with dell repository and firmware-tools (that is already
in fedora). So I wonder if that could be extented with pci drivers
easily  instead.

Nicolas (kwizart)

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