akmods: You think I would have learned my lesson with avidemux :)

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Fri Sep 23 06:00:50 CEST 2011

Richard Shaw wrote:
> I'm guessing here, but I assume the reason for "Before=prefdm.service"
> is to make sure akmods runs prior to X coming up?

Even though I didn't write that line, I'm fairly sure that's what it is for. 
Starting up X before your graphics driver finished compiling is not going to 
work properly.

That said, the problem there is, this works for graphics drivers, but what 
about akmods for wireless networking, for example? If you have systemwide 
wireless connections set up in NetworkManager, you have to have the akmod 
built before NetworkManager starts up. But if you only use akmods for a 
graphics driver, or even for some obscure driver not needed at bootup at 
all, your boot will block needlessly if NetworkManager waits for them.

The problem is, ordering constraints are highly dependent on what akmods 
you're actually using.

        Kevin Kofler

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