open build service builds rpmfusion

Damian Ivanov damianatorrpm at
Thu Aug 23 16:33:12 CEST 2012


@ Christopher
Sorry but I don't see which wiki you mean, can you link it?
Well it's a server, I am quite sure that Fedora will not fairly soon
dump koji/mock/bodhi but rpmfusion could start,
I don't see a reason to no get it into Fedora repos, maybe if Fedora
don't accept it, OBS should go into rpmfusion :)

@ Ken
Yeah I will have look than to get OBS tools into main fedora repos,
but if they don't accept it because it's a tool
from SuSE it may should land into rpmfusion ;)

I know the link from the fedora list, I started it ;)
OBS absolutely does not integrate with bodhi. It replaces it.

> does it have adequate security for audit and signing of who did what.
>While I guess the answer is yes for audit, there is pretty specific
>requirement and setup for Fedora )
It supports who did what investigation. SUSE enterprise distros are
also interested in having such audit features.


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