Bundled libs (revisited)

Alec Leamas leamas.alec at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 17:31:49 CET 2012

Hi all!

I have found yet another bundled lib in my review request 2140 
(bombono).  The lib  is Adobe Source Libraries (ASL), a large, 
general-purpose addon to STL and boost. The situation:
- bombono includes some files from ASL, clearly a bundling situation.
- ASL depends on boost 1.44, two versions behind current 1.46.
- The nature of ASL (large, general-purpose) probably means that they 
will always lag boost by one or more versions. At least, this is what 
the release history shows.

So, packaging ASL means dependencies on an outdated boost version. To be 
frank, I have no idea how to handle this.

Any ideas, out there?


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