No subject

Wed Jan 8 00:05:46 CET 2014

we should comply to ?!) is really more or less a full page about
conditions when packaging of external repositories is acceptable or
not. If rpmfusion should conclude not to package *any* repository,
this would be a (much?) more restrictive rule than current Fedora
guidelines. Is this reasonable?

As for legal spot has concluded that packaging a repository carries a
substantially smaller risk than repacking other parties sw (which is
what lpf is all about). Link in first post, discussions.

Practically, I feel that some of these arguments seems based on that
all external repos are equal. However, they differ a lot. Leaving the
list of "endorsed" repos aside (that list might very well be a Bad
Idea anyway), how does these arguments apply the dropbpox repo (which
only carries the leaf application dropbox). E. g., what's the risk
that this application would destabilize the overall system?

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