ffmpeg-2.4 released
Sérgio Basto
sergio at serjux.com
Thu Oct 2 18:27:00 CEST 2014
On Qui, 2014-10-02 at 08:00 +0200, Julian Sikorski wrote:
> >> Hi , Julian , that is the point, this is cvs , we don't have
> "upgrading
> >> in parallel", I try rolling devel to branches and yes "overwrite
> the f20
> >> spec" and what is in f20 spec is discard. Is the only rule of
> >> organization that we have .
> >
> > I was not aware we have that rule. Until now, I was maintaining
> seperate
> > branches for ffmpeg and mplayer. I still believe that upgrading F-20
> > independently is better as it preserves the history better.
> Case in point: rawhide ffmpeg has celt support disabled by default
> because the package has been retired in fedora. There is no reason to
> drop it in F-20.
> I have compared the F-20 and devel spec files, and the following
> changes
> are required if we decide to upgrade:
> - version bump to 2.3.x
> - rename README to README.md in %doc
> Please do not overwrite the F20 ffmpeg spec file. I think only makes
> sense for packages where the branches were kept at the same version at
> all times, which is not the case here.
Hi, no, for me what make sense is doing one spec that can be compiled at
all versions and use scriplets like : %if 0%{?fedora} < 21.
see VirtualBox/devel/VirtualBox.spec we even have :
%if 0%{?fedora} > 11 || 0%{?rhel} > 5
I have to go
BTW : I had rebuild yesterday xine-lib ,
and mplayer
so or wait that Kwizart publish or enable needsign repo and I hope not
have more broken deps .
kwizart, also I think we need put VirtualBox-4_3_16-1_fc19 and his
akmods on stable , since new kernel has enter in stable of F19
Best regards,
Sérgio M. B.
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