Self-introduction: Neal Gompa
Neal Gompa
ngompa13 at
Mon Jan 25 00:22:01 CET 2016
Hello all,
I've been a part of the Fedora community for many years, and a user of
RPM Fusion and its predecessors for equally as long. As a long-time
Fedora contributor, I never really had a reason to jump into the RPM
Fusion fray until a friend of mine prodded me a bit to get something
he liked into Fedora, which is why I've submitted a review request for
nordlicht ( ).
I hope to have a good time here and that I can become involved in RPM
Fusion as I have in Fedora and other communities I'm a part of.
Best regards,
真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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