Removing ARM support in Kodi

Michael Cronenworth mike at
Wed Nov 2 18:30:31 CET 2016

On 11/02/2016 12:19 PM, Nicolas Chauvet wrote:
> Kodi is totally relevant on ARM, but according to Rob Clark (the
> freedreno developper), kodi is one of theses projects that suffer from
> assuming arm == gles.
> In Fedora, we prefer to build for gl over gles in every arches because
> it's well supported and it doesn't have those weird hacks gles has for
> some vendors (including broadcom for the pi).
> So I have a patch that tries to fix theses options from the spec
> files,but doesn't seem to obey to theses directives.
> If anyone is interested in kodi on armhfp, please try to fix it from

The GLES support in Kodi compiles against one (1) single EGL driver.

The patch you used, that I created, incorrectly includes a Kodi header that defines 
parts of the EGL wrapper native class. The reason you get a compile error, stated in 
bug 4323, is due to no native class available. There is no generic GLES support and 
attempting to build Kodi on ARM for Fedora is not going to work. If we want to 
decide to support one of the GLES drivers and compile against it, fine, but until 
then it isn't going to work.

Anyone wanting to use Kodi on ARM is using a distribution from upstream. LibreELEC 
or OpenELEC. They have separate builds of Kodi for each ARM GLES driver.

The only way around this, that I see, is to modify Kodi to select the correct driver 
at runtime instead of compile time. That requires a few changes I don't want to 
invest my time in. I don't even have any ARM hardware running Fedora.

> Thx
> ps; btw any issue with enabling lcms2 on libusb there ?

There is no added functionality.

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