comps for free/nonfree repos in rpmfusion

Nicolas Chauvet kwizart at
Thu Nov 10 19:13:17 CET 2016

I've extracted the comps.xml file from the old cvs server

Here are the current location of the comps files for RPM Fusion as git:

The Fedora doc about comps edition:

The plan would be to re-activate comps in updates repos for f24+ after
the release.

Here is a quick TODO list anyone can take:
- clean packages not in rpmfusion anymore (moved to fedora, orphaned)
- Update new ones (gstreamer1-* ?)
- add appdata as a default group when needed.( probably not base, but Desktop)
- Verify the group names in Fedora are the same

Please try to test (not only make validate)
Sergio might be able to merge requests.



Nicolas (kwizart)

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