problem retiring package

Karel Volný kvolny at
Fri Nov 25 13:24:05 CET 2016


I have to report the same as Hans before - I just cannot find the 'retire' 
functionality anywhere nearby

and in addition, rfpkg doesn't work for me

so I did the steps manually

I know there's a lot of work to be done to make the infrastructure perfect 
and too few helping hands, but if things cannot be fixed now, then - pretty 
please with sugar on top - at least fix/temporarily change the docs so the 
wiki lists just what really works now (or mark things "not ready yet, don't 
try that"), and on the list, don't refer people to undocumented things (if 
it can be used, it should be documented)

- thx


Karel Volný
BaseOS QE - Daemons
Red Hat Czech, Brno
tel. +420 532294274
(RH: +420 532294111 ext. 8262074)
:: "Never attribute to malice what can
::  easily be explained by stupidity."

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