v3 Re: review all packages published, retired and added since F16

Sérgio Basto sergio at serjux.com
Thu Sep 1 18:12:54 CEST 2016

After my fail on mention subtitleripper is not is repos, I made another
report, for example subtitleripper was missed on F17 but backed on F18 

-subtitleripper 16_17
+subtitleripper 17_18

On Ter, 2016-08-30 at 02:25 +0100, Sérgio Basto wrote:
> On Qui, 2016-08-25 at 20:58 +0100, Sérgio Basto wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks, when is the next push ? , after that I can run my scripts
> > again
> > and check the remain issues . 
> Hello , 
> Checking again (list it attach), now looks good , we just need
> properly
> retire some packages and check some other packages that I will open
> bug
> reports to understand if they are to keep or to retire ... 
> Thanks,
Sérgio M. B.

-------------- next part --------------
+abuse 17_18
-acoustid-fingerprinter 21_22
+aqualung 20_21
+assaultcube 18_19
-audacious-plugins-nonfree 18_19
-autopano-sift-C 21_22
-bsnes 23_24
-cairo-dock 21_22
+cairo-dock-freeworld 19_20
+caja-dropbox 17_18
-catalyst-kmod 19_20
+catalyst-kmod 20_21
-catalyst-kmod 21_22
+catalyst-legacy-kmod 16_17
-catalyst-legacy-kmod 18_19
+clipgrab 19_20
-dega-sdl 16_17
+dega-sdl 17_18
-dega-sdl 21_22
+dega-sdl 22_23
-devede 24_25
+devedeng 22_23
+dhewm3 18_19
+dolphin-emu 16_17
-dvbcut 23_24
+ec2-api-tools 16_17
-ec2-api-tools 17_18
+edgar 16_17
-edgar 19_20
+exfat-utils 16_17
-fceultra 16_17
-ffmpeg2dirac 16_17
-ffmpeg2theora 19_20
+ffmpeg-compat 16_17
+ffmpegthumbs 16_17
+ffmulticonverter 22_23
+flowblade 22_23
-flvtool2 17_18
-foo2zjs 18_19
+foo2zjs 19_20
-freecad 20_21
-freeguide 21_22
+freeguide 22_23
+freshplayerplugin 22_23
+fuse-exfat 16_17
+game-data-packager 22_23
-gecko-mediaplayer 23_24
-gens 21_22
+gens 22_23
+gens-gs 18_19
-gfceu 18_19
+girl 23_24
-gmameui 23_24
+gmediafinder 17_18
-gmtk 23_24
-gnome-mplayer 23_24
-gnome-shell-extension-weather 23_24
+gstreamer1-libav 17_18
+gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld 17_18
+gstreamer1-plugins-bad-nonfree 22_23
+gstreamer1-plugins-ugly 17_18
+gxine 19_20
-jad 21_22
+jad 22_23
-jbigkit 18_19
+kaffeine 19_20
-kdemultimedia-extras-freeworld 17_18
+kisslicer 22_23
-kmediafactory 23_24
+kodi 20_21
+kodi-platform 22_23
+kodi-pvr-addons 20_21
-kodi-pvr-addons 22_23
+kwave 20_21
+libbdplus 18_19
+libde265 22_23
+libmp3splt 22_23
+libopenshot 19_20
+libopenshot-audio 19_20
+libshairport 16_17
-libtunepimp-extras-freeworld 23_24
-libva-freeworld 16_17
-libva-vdpau-driver 18_19
+libvdpau-va-gl 17_18
-lightspark 21_22
+lightspark 23_24
+lives 22_23
-livna-config-display 16_17
+lpf-flash-plugin 18_19
+lpf-skype 18_19
+lpf-spotify-client 18_19
-mame 23_24
+mame-data-extras 16_17
-mame-data-extras 22_23
+mate-applet-streamer 17_18
-mess 17_18
+mingw-libmad 18_19
-minitube 21_22
+minitube 22_23
-minitube 23_24
-miro 18_19
+moc 17_18
+mp3splt 22_23
+mp3splt-gtk 22_23
-mpg321 20_21
+mpv 18_19
-Mosaic 21_22
+Mosaic 22_23
-nailer 23_24
+nautilus-dropbox 19_20
+nemo-dropbox 19_20
+netfabb-basic 18_19
-nvidia-173xx-kmod 20_21
+nvidia-304xx-kmod 16_17
+nvidia-340xx-kmod 19_20
-nvidia-96xx-kmod 17_18
-nvidia-settings 19_20
+nvidia-video-codec-sdk 23_24
-nvidia-xconfig 19_20
+obs-studio 22_23
-openafs 20_21
-openafs-kmod 20_21
+openclonk 20_21
-openclonk 22_23
-openmotif 17_18
+openmw 18_19
+oxine 19_20
-oxine 22_23
-OCE 20_21
-paintdotnet 16_17
+paintdotnet 17_18
-paintdotnet 18_19
+pcsx2 17_18
+perl-PGPLOT 17_18
+pgadmin3 16_17
-pgadmin3 23_24
-php-pecl-pdflib 23_24
-picard-freeworld 19_20
+pipelight 18_19
+pithos 19_20
-pragha 16_17
+pxsup2dast 17_18
+pyskool 16_17
+qarte 18_19
+qmmp-plugin-pack-freeworld 18_19
-qtractor 16_17
+qtractor-freeworld 16_17
-qtractor-freeworld 21_22
-r5u87x-firmware 23_24
-raine 18_19
-realcrypt 20_21
+rfpkg 22_23
+rfpkg-minimal 22_23
+rpmfusion-free-appstream-data 21_22
-rpmfusion-free-appstream-data 22_23
+rpmfusion-free-appstream-data 23_24
-rpmfusion-free-package-config-smart 19_20
-rpmfusion-free-remix-kickstarts 21_22
+rpmfusion-free-remix-kickstarts 23_24
+rpmfusion-nonfree-appstream-data 21_22
-rpmfusion-nonfree-appstream-data 22_23
+rpmfusion-nonfree-appstream-data 23_24
-rpmfusion-nonfree-package-config-smart 19_20
-rpmfusion-nonfree-remix-kickstarts 21_22
-sdlmame 16_17
-sdlmame-data 18_19
-sdlmame-data-artwork 16_17
-sdlmame-data-roms 16_17
-sdlmame-data-samples 16_17
-sdlmess 16_17
-sidplay 18_19
-sidplay-libs 18_19
-smesh 20_21
-smpeg 16_17
-staging-kmod 22_23
-staging-kmod-addons 22_23
+steam 17_18
-streamdvd 16_17
-subtitleripper 16_17
+subtitleripper 17_18
-thunderbird-enigmail 17_18
+tvheadend 22_23
-TestU01 16_17
+TestU01 17_18
-ufoai 21_22
-unace 21_22
+unace 22_23
-vdpau-video-freeworld 16_17
+vdr-markad 19_20
+vdr-mpv 23_24
+vdr-plex 23_24
+vdr-skindesigner 19_20
+vdr-softhddevice 19_20
+vdr-tvguideng 23_24
+vdr-weatherforecast 23_24
+vdr-xineliboutput 19_20
-vdr-xineliboutput 21_22
+vdr-xineliboutput 22_23
-vlmc 18_19
+vokoscreen 19_20
-VirtualBox-OSE 16_17
-VirtualBox-OSE-kmod 16_17
-west-chamber 18_19
-west-chamber-kmod 18_19
+x265 19_20
-xbmc 21_22
+xbmc-pvr-addons 19_20
-xbmc-pvr-addons 21_22
+xine-lib 19_20
-xine-lib-extras-freeworld 19_20
+xine-plugin 19_20
+xine-ui 19_20
-xorg-x11-drv-catalyst 19_20
+xorg-x11-drv-catalyst 20_21
-xorg-x11-drv-catalyst 21_22
+xorg-x11-drv-catalyst-legacy 16_17
-xorg-x11-drv-catalyst-legacy 18_19
-xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-173xx 20_21
+xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-304xx 16_17
+xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-340xx 19_20
-xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-96xx 17_18
+xpra-codecs-freeworld 19_20
+xvst 20_21
-y4mscaler 19_20
+yle-dl 16_17
+zboy 22_23

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