AAC in RPM Fusion ?

Nicolas Chauvet kwizart at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 13:32:03 CEST 2016

2016-09-06 20:55 GMT+02:00 Sérgio Basto <sergio at serjux.com>:
XXX have others sources like openh264, vo-aacenc , fdk-aac, we
> are going only discus libdvdcss ? or we may extend for other patents
> problems .

The AAC case is way less problematic because:
- fdk-aac itslef can be allowed in the nonfree section (see rfbz#2736)
- we 'could' (1) introduce a ffmpeg-nonfree to enable it, and as there
are other "users" of that nonfree capability (such as cuda) that
became relevant to maintain an alternate (binary only) ffmpeg built.

vo-aacenc should be superseded by fdk-aac or ffmpeg internal AAC
encoders with 3.x+,

openh264 could be introduced in RPM Fusion free (we don't replace
fedora package from the main repo), but then it would mean the fedora
solution isn't suitable which I dislike.
If one wants to enable h264 support (and in gst probably) better to
have gstreamer1-libav (or ffmpeg-libs for firefox users).
So openh264 is a false problem to me, we have way better libraries.

So I don't see a fundamental design in our work-flow that wouldn't
allow to have full featured capabilities in our packages collection.
So I'm not much looking into theses downstream users that aren't
contributing back to us. I think their attitude is selfish.

Instead I'm more worried in our process, like peer package reviews and
the package review queue along with allowing new maintainers to join.
Having others sysadmin to step into infra tasks should be much more
widespread with the new infra. (thx Ben Rosser for your work on

(1), I will submit a RR in a few.


Nicolas (kwizart)

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