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<pre>>><i> Hi,
</i>><i>> I couldn't find a package for ffmpeg-compat built for ARM so i downloaded
</i>><i>> the srpm, tried to build it myself and ran into some compiler errors
</i>><i>> relating to whitespace in ARM assembly instructions.
</i>><i>> Here's a patch that lets the package build: <a href="http://pastie.org/9739513">http://pastie.org/9739513</a>
</i>> Thx for your interest in RPM Fusion for arm
> I will apply the patch for ffmpeg-compat in devel (fedora 21). But I don't
> think it has really some interest exept for completness of the repository
> (the only user of ffmpeg-compat is transcode which is close to be orphaned).
> Or do you have any "out of the repository" users of such compat library ?
No worries. I noticed there are no packages for ARM in F21 currently, what's
the best way I can contribute to the next release? Please note I have no
packaging experience in Fedora or elsewhere..
Yeah I needed ffmpeg-compat to build the avifile package from the PlanetCCRMA