still problems with updating kernels + nvidia drivers

Xavier Hourcade public.oss at
Mon Nov 12 03:57:18 CET 2012

>  Ubuntu uses dkms to build the new nvidia module when a new kernel is
> installed.  So why does Fedora require a new nvidia package with every
> kernel?

In short: Fedora ships nouveau.

nVidia ships an ugly and invasive setup.

RPMFusion repackages the later as (a)kmod-nvidia.
Akmod is similar to DKMS, it builds kmod-nvidia.

I used akmod myself no later than Friday, while I needed to "back test"
a few previous kernels as I was investigating a kernel issue. Running
`akmod --kernels` did build and install kmod packages flawlessly every
time. It just rocks :)

As a bonus, akmod also registers itself as a service, so it autobuilds
the missing kmod at boot-time as required.

But this part did fail here, for at least two of my kernels: the akmod
boot service *was* registered but it didn't function, so X was started
and crash immediately with a missing module error message (in
Xorg.0.log, not on screen). On display, the system appeared to be just
hung, still showing the page of "[OK]" messages as in boot.log, while
none of the ttys were accessible. Ctrl+Alt+Sup did react, thou.

Rebooting into runlevel 3, then just running `akmod`, did work
immediately, and solved the issue. I didn't investigate any further.

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