nvidia 304.64

John Pilkington J.Pilk at tesco.net
Wed Apr 24 11:30:52 CEST 2013

>>> nvidia-xconfig showing as updated to 304.60 but ok. I don't think I have
>>> any relevant ATrpms packages installed now, and the URL shows that
>>> 304.64 has given other people trouble.
>> repoquery --envra --releasever=17 \*nvidia\* --disablerepo=free-fedora-update-testing
>> you have
>> xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-304.88-1.fc17.x86_64
>> and
>> nvidia-xconfig-1.0-20.fc17.x86_64

Yes, but 304.88 is in nonfree-update-testing, so your test still sees it.

	19-Apr-2013 11:04 	38K

Anyway, I have installed it and all seems ok.  xorg.conf remains as it 
was after my edit, so the nvidia modules are being loaded and it works, 
at least for me.

It's probably not worth making changes to the 304.64 packages now, since 
they will presumably soon disappear and this thread is in the archive. 
I was just trying to make several simultaneous major changes to my 
system and a broken graphics driver didn't help.


John P

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