Plymouth with Nvidia drivers

Peter Oliver at
Sat Aug 17 22:23:49 CEST 2013

On Thu, 15 Aug 2013, Peter Oliver wrote:

> I found that all I needed to do to get back to the graphical version 
> was to change gfxpayload=text to gfxpayload=keep in the GRUB2 config.  Given 
> that it seems so simple, I wonder why this isn't the default?  Have I just 
> shot myself in the foot in some way that I'm yet to realise?

To answer my own question, I noticed the following in dmesg:

[   14.950146] NVRM: Your system is not currently configured to drive a VGA console
[   14.950149] NVRM: on the primary VGA device. The NVIDIA Linux graphics driver
[   14.950150] NVRM: requires the use of a text-mode VGA console. Use of other console
[   14.950152] NVRM: drivers including, but not limited to, vesafb, may result in
[   14.950153] NVRM: corruption and stability problems, and is not supported.

Peter Oliver

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