Nvidia cards and Fedora 22 kernel upgrades

Richard Shaw hobbes1069 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 16:36:12 CEST 2015

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Roderick Johnstone <rmj at ast.cam.ac.uk>

> Do you also have the shutdown service enabled?
> No, I don't.
> So then I guess it would need to rebuild the kmod for all installed
> kernels, not just the currently running one as it can't know which kernel
> you might want to boot, although the latest would probably be a good guess.

Well the answer to your first statement is no then yes then no :)

For some reason I setup the shutdown service to run akmods directly instead
of calling a script which would "collect" the installed kernels, so no, it
would only try to build for the current kernel via "uname -r".

Then yes, because I just changed the service file to run a script which
would grab all of the installed kernels and pass them to akmods.

Then no, because it can only build kernel modules for kernels that have the
appropriate kernel-devel package installed, but currently unlike the kernel
itself, only one kernel-devel package is typically installed at one time. :)

Could you follow all that?

So basically once I build new packages, the shutdown script will attempt to
build modules for every kernel-devel package installed, whether it be the
latest or not (though it typically should be).

Ok, now that that's covered I have a crazy idea... For systemd service type
"oneshot" which the akmod service is, you can have multiple ExecStart=
directives. Why couldn't we have two, something like:

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/akmods --from-init
ExecStart=-/usr/sbin/modprobe nvidia

Anything know why that wouldn't work? That should fix the problem with
building modules on startup.

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