nvidia 367.57-1.fc24 and v4.8.4 kernel

Jeff Layton jlayton at poochiereds.net
Wed Nov 2 16:15:11 CET 2016

The combination in $SUBJECT doesn't seem to work. When I try to use it
then I get the GNOME sad face instead of a gdm login screen. The logs
complain about permissions for managing the displays (sorry, didn't
collect them, so I don't recall the exact message).

I pulled down the the 370.28-1.fc25 srpms, built packages from them for
f24, installed the resulting packages and they started working again,
so I suspect this is just a matter of needing the new drivers for the
new kernel.

Can we get 370.28-1 "officially" built for f24?

Jeff Layton <jlayton at poochiereds.net>

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