nvidia module not loading

Robin Laing MeSat at TelusPlanet.net
Mon Oct 3 01:26:54 CEST 2016

On 01/10/16 17:43, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 02.10.2016 um 01:40 schrieb Robin Laing:
>> On 01/10/16 12:40, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>>> ./4.7.5-200.fc24.x86_64/extra/nvidia/nvidia-uvm.ko
>>>> ./4.7.5-200.fc24.x86_64/extra/nvidia/nvidia-drm.ko
>>>> ./4.7.5-200.fc24.x86_64/extra/nvidia/nvidia.ko
>>>> ./4.7.5-200.fc24.x86_64/extra/nvidia/nvidia-modeset.ko
>>>> All logs just say the the module is not found as above.
>>>> Any suggestions?
>>> don't buy crap-hardware?
>>> works here over the last 10 years fine
>> What crap hardware?
> hardware which needs out-of-tree kernel modules

Well, when there are full 3D functioning drivers within the kernel that 
support all the features of the video card, then that would be great.  I 
am using CUDA on this machine.

I tried an AMD card on a computer last year and that was nothing but a 
headache and I gave up after a few months of frozen machine and desktops.

>> It isn't the hardware, something about the kernel
>> update that did it.  Looks like the blacklist didn't get into the grub
>> kernel options.  Strange that older kernel in grub menu boots find.
> what about fix your /etc/default/grub and get rid of stuff which mangles
> your boot configuration?

This is the /etc/default/grub after adding the blacklist yesterday. 
Adding blacklist made no difference.  This is what was in the grub file 
going back months.

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="$(sed 's, release .*$,,g' /etc/system-release)"
nomodeset rhgb quiet rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau video=vesa:off "

>> Most of the hardware is top of the line
> i see by the existence of topic

I looked through the settings in grub and they have not changed.  The 
previous kernel runs beautifully.  The latest one doesn't.  Machine has 
been in use and I have not had time to do tests as I had hoped.  My 
other machine is a F23 machine and I will do the updates tonight and see 
if the problem is in F23 as well.

I am going to try to rebuild the akmods if I can later tonight as in the 
other post.  See what happens and if anything shows up in the logs.

Looking at my F23 machine, there is no blacklist in the 
/etc/default/grub either and it works. with the 4.7.4 kernel.


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