I removed a few packages from the devel/F15 repos due to broken deps

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Mon May 30 18:33:18 CEST 2011

Hans de Goede wrote on 30.05.2011 15:19:
> On 05/30/2011 01:26 PM, Hans de Goede wrote:
>> On 05/28/2011 08:29 PM, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
>>> I was a bit rude earlier today and without any warning removed a few
>>> packages from the devel repos (that just became the F15 release repos)
>>> due to broken deps. See the list below for details; would be good if
>>> anybody would tell the maintainers directly, but I don't care about RPM
>>> Fusion enough these days to file bugs myself. Of course all of them can
>>> simply be reintroduced by building a update.
>> <snip>
>>> = Nonfree =
>>> ec2-api-tools-
>>> frogatto-1.0.3-2.fc14.src.rpm
>> I've taken care of frogatto.
> Hmm, this has not gone completely as planned, I set of a build
> from devel, which got an fc15 tag rather then an fc16 tag, which
> I noticed when I tried to actual do another build from the F-15
> branch (which does have the same commits as devel now, but no tag
> since that tag now exists on the devel branch).
> Note the devel branch still getting an fc15 tag seems to be correct,
> since the builder config for devel builds still points to f15 repos.
> So we have a proper build for frogatto now, but it should end up
> in both the F-15 and devel repo's not just the devel repo ...

That will happen.

Btw, Xavier handled all the changes on the Infra side and I assume he'll
update the builder configs to point to F16 over the next few days.

In case someone wonders what I did for the actual branching, here are
the rough steps:

* remove all kmod packages from the devel repos
* build a buildsys-build-rpmfusion package that contained a hard dep on
the F15 release kernel
* rebuild all kmods and make them build akmod packages, too
* check for broken deps and find a "solution" for them
* create a signing key for F16
* add the public key to the rpmfusion-{non,}free-release packages fopr
F13, F14 and F15
* build rpmfusion-{non,}free-release packages for F15 that have the
proper repos enabled and rawhide disabled
* push all of that
* for free and nonfree something like this:
mkdir releases/15/
cp -a development/ releases/15/Everything
* ask adrianr to make changes in the MirrorManager (in fact he asked me
before I asked him)
* build kmods for the updated kernel


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